personal independece payment and ESA ... - Lung Conditions C...
personal independece payment and ESA any chance of getting these benefits with COPD

Yes, there is a chance you'd get one or both. I've been through PIP.

sorry for delay been very proactive this week,i have been to cab and had lots of help filling the pip form,was advised to put all the negative aspects of copd effects on my daily life in and a daily diary,now all sent off for assessing.Called ESA phineline got the ball rolling there too and also was advised by my GP to retire from my job as too risky for infections and too physical,so i am now about to be unemployed from end august,a bit scary but hoping benefits will be forthcoming,fingers crossed.also doc put me on sick for 2mths until job finishes.Thank you so much for all the help everyone has given me
Great stuff. Like I said it's a minefield and very stressful but I got through it quite recently.
I tried and was turned down with COPD and a genetic knee condition. But I never had any proof of docs hospitals etc so going to get it all together and try again. Good luck to you.
For PIP i produced no medical or any other evidence whatsoever. Its not my job to get reports-its there's.
Make sure you get the right people to help you fill the forms in, a charity called RAISE helped me, good luck
The thing to remember to qualify for any help is that.... it's not so much about what you have ( c.o.p.d.) but how it effects your every day life. I had lots of advice and this helped me the most, good luck, I hope you get the help you need, huff x
I have just got the paperwork, and going to try, I have been advised to take it on a worst day, How do I collate info from a doctor though?
I suggest getting in touch with your local Citizens Advice Bureau,they were very helpful to me.However if you,ll excuse the pun don,t hold your breath it takes a long time.Goodluck.D.
Hi.BOxermad..I had hell for 7 month.. Then they say why did you stop your DLA!!!! I have to have good support letters from .gp s speclists etc...and its not what's wrong with us!!its now it effects you,your life..remember that!!!lucky l had a nice lady come to me..and having a really painfully day!!!good lots on here said to me if deserve it get it..I stopped DLA year before has felt litre better!! 2 week later off work waiting op.. Didn't have..but waiting list to have to one told me I shouldn't of stopped it..some of us is way to onset!!!!good luck
Hi all,I did receive ESA and PIP eventually 8 points standard mobility and 20 points enhanced daily living also blue badge too.I am very relieved