Today I was running but I couldn't run fast because of the pollution I wish this high pollution would drift somewhere else. They warned people with lung problems not to do exercise outside. I used my reliever inhaler more because of worsening asthma symptoms
Is anyone getting effected by the hig... - Lung Conditions C...
Is anyone getting effected by the high level of air pollution this week?

Well Jake, where do I begin. I have enormous sympathy for anyone with respiratory problems but my friend you did kind of ask for it, didn't you? You were well warned, as the whole country has been, so what did you expect? Were you trying to test yourself or something? Also this pollution will pass, so please don't wish it on anyone else. It will go where mother nature decides. Anyway, sorry to be a bit harsh but we can't be too careful and you certainly don't want to make your asthma worse. Can I make a bit of a sexist remark here and say that I don't think women would do that. Its a male thing, like trying to show how tough you/or any male are!!! I hope you are ok now but please don't take chances again. Its for your own good. I am just being a realist here and not getting at you for nothing. Be good now. xx
Yes my car was covered in Sahara desert dust,I went out to get my new inhaler,I could not breathe at all,I felt bad, I didn't know why I had gone backwards,it is the dust,and I live up the road to the sea.but still lots of it is a problem for me.
Morning my neck & face has swollen went to the hot clinic yesterday can not seem to find any thing to worry about,
My granddaughter was sent home from school short of breath
No good for anyone
Wow running !!
I was suitably impressed by running although Asthma was the most common chronic illness suffered by competitors at the London 2012 Olympics.
Can only agree with Huggs, except about it being a man thing. It's a common sense thing, regardless of gender. Warnings given all day not to exercise, with respiratory problems. Disregard them at your own risk. Think yourself lucky, you can run at all or even walk any distance when weather is good. Don't mess about with your health. I am not sorry for being harsh, just found it difficult to understand how you could disregard warnings.
It is a man thing . I went out on my bike and I definitely struggled . Was huffing and puffing when I got back
. Going nowhere today
Sorry, Huggs, I think women can do unwise things just as much as the men. I am sure Jake would have got the message loud and clear. I wont knock the opposite sex. Nobody is perfect.
For me, I am looking after a very sick person. I push a trolley on wheels, and was getting really upset and worried because it was getting harder to look after husband. This means a lot of toing and froing, up and stairs and I just lost any go.
When I saw the news, I am least know why walking was an effect, and i wasn't outside. It will pass.
Hello Jake, Just be thankful you can run! That is so far back in my memory I have forgotten how to do it!
you will soon be pounding the streets again, best wishes.
Well jake, good on you being able to run, you take great care and look after yourself.
Hi Jake,
I have no noticed any worsening of my asthma due to the pollution and I live in East London where it's meant to be as its worst!
The pollen however has exarcerbated my asthma and I have been using the inhaler more than usual as well as taking daily antihistamines and now I'm suffering horrible side effects - do you get lightheaded and feel funny if you take your inhaler a lot? Horrible feeling!
I have bought some nasal filters (for both pollen and pollution) from Amazon but I'm yet to try them, they have raving reviews by all the users.
Anyway, hope you feel better soon.

Yeah I do feel funny when I take my inhaler a lot I hope this pollution fades soon
and Yes. I am in Lincoln and struggled to walk the dogs this morning.but hadn't seen the weather I am the wiser and will remain indoors until it has it cleared. Does anyone know of a "pollution" warning app?
Well Jake you are the lucky one.
I am on oxygen 24/7 and cannot even cross the room without having to rest and get my breathing under control . . . . . . . and you go for a run!
You are one lucky man.
The only sand in scotland besides the beach is in the egg timers just the normal here wet cold and windy,Matt
Hi Pergola, I completely agree with you that women can do stupid things just as well as men. I should know!! I probably did not put my point across very well. Its just that in some situations men do seem to lack a bit of judgement and the testorone/competitive instinct takes over. Like they have to show how tough they are. I still don't think I have explained myself very well so I'll just leave it there!!
Jake there are lots of people on here who have very extensive and severe respiratory disease and can barely walk. You have asthma and are able to run so I have a difficult time understanding why you would deliberately put yourself in harms way.
I do feel for anyone who is affected with this pollution and I hope you keep well through it. It must be horrendous. I hope you feel better soon Pergola. If you felt the effects inside then I dread to think what it was like outside. xx
I went out on Wednesday this week and struggled to walk up the road. I do live in London and I have to walk up a slight hill to the shops but I was surprised how difficult it was. I haven't been able to run for years but that might be due to my lack of fitness.
Yeah I guessed that
I went on our weekly shopping trip this Thursday and it has cut me in half, as soon as I got to stores door I was struggling. I just went to the middle of the store and waited at the end of the isles while my wife got the stuff. My lungs hurt now and my eyes are still sore.
i had to get my eyes test last friday so today i had to go back to pick up my new specs . bad idea i was huffing and puffing all through town
I went to the gym and I did some exercises for a while, but then I started coughing, so I gave up.
There was a brown mist all over the place. I thought best to go home and stay indoors while this lasts.
I have coughed during the night too, and had a blood test to see if I had some infection, but nothing. Take care of your self Jake.
Very short of breath on prednislone