Well what abeautifull day its been today in sttaffordshire ! At long last i mannaged to get in the garden and get some pansys in !!!Yaaaaaa ! Bought them 3 weeks ago and not been well enough to put them in some pots. . So today i thought who looks worse me or them. ? Right here we go. O2 and. Neb and chair ( for m not them ! ) me and them perked up no end. They look beautifull. !! Hubby did the movingof compost and tubs and i supervised. ! All i can say is ....the buggers best survive or there be trouble. In camp Hope you all had nice day..and Happy mothers day tomorro to all. You mums. . My mum 95 and just informed me she painted bathroom today. !!!! You can tell i didnt inheret her good health. !!!!! Sue
Sunshiny days !: Well what abeautifull... - Lung Conditions C...
Sunshiny days !

I bet you feel good now Sue dont you,was just imagining you trying to revive limp pansys with O2 bless em haha! Always good to supervise.Oh my get your mum wow! how lovely that she can still do such things.Yes we are all thinking decorating in my house,just hope we get past the thinking stage and get cracking on it. Hopefully another nice day tomorrow.
Forcast good i think but had enough for day or two . Think spend tomorro trying persuede hubby paint fence.....failing that get mum on the job. !!! Sue. Xx
You might be short on energy Sue but you're not short on humour - your post made me smile. How fantastic is your Mum!
love cx
Do you know what everyone in my family fit as fiddles .told you about mother.... son and daughter both fit and well. Youngest grandson plays every sport known to man he 14 and plays for every cricket team you can name and going to barbados next year to play for england under 15. I would give anything to go and watch. But never mind enh . We been watching him play since he started and i still dont uderstand it . Apparantly i was cheering wrong side last time . But its lovely when weather nice. Easy chair and pic nick . I just really greatfull they not inhereted this bugger of an illness. Good nite sleep as well as u can. Sue. Xx
Hi Sue,those Pansys sound beautiful,to hot for them here!
As for your Mum,that realy lifts your spirits hearing about her! xxx
Hi Sue48, same here in Coventry lovely weather and like you I managed to get some pansies planted I have had for weeks. Could not supervise have to do it myself, had my handrail collapse on me from wear & tear, then painted the front doorstep, so today I am taking a well earned rest before my joints and chest give up. Need a drop of oil for my joints (smiles). Enjoy your day, hope there's more sunshine with you as there is here.
Yes ,,certainly looks sunny here. ! Well done for getting pansys in ans step painted. .Well earned rest ror all ! Have nice day x
New i did too much with those pansys........well ,they look better than me today. !!!
its all ways nice and sunny in staffordshire.
and if it was sunny all the time you would complain that it was to hot .