All your DWP PiP Atos questions answe... - Lung Conditions C...

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All your DWP PiP Atos questions answered .. Total disgrace what is going on

36 Replies

Shocking UK.GOV incompatance and only Iain Duncan Smith. Could turn a disability crisis into a national fiasco.

36 Replies
cofdrop-UK profile image

Good article from the brilliant Sue Marsh. Thanks for sharing this daz. cx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

Is a disgrace yet so far powers that be talk about europe to frightened to talk about domestic issues

Toci profile image

Hi Daz, I saw this article earlier today. Loved this bit:

"Presumably we'll be sacking three of the England squad just as the World Cup kicks off? Closing all our schools just before GCSE week? Or is this level of incompetence only reserved for people living with long-term illnesses and disabilities?"


in reply to Toci

Hi toci cheers you could say they have well done a number on sick and disabled

medow profile image

As usual Daz I've put this out on twitter x x

in reply to medow

Cheers medow

calamity12 profile image

Man needs shooting! It would appear that he hopes the poor and sick will just fade away

and die asap. No empathy at all.

in reply to calamity12

Calamity12 i to agree eve tho tad extreme ... but is that not what you do with mad dogs

patty17 profile image

The Government doesn't care about anyone who can't work. Even people in work are having to use food banks. I think they just want the sick and disabled to shrivel up and die. I haven't got any hopes that a Labour government would be any better. There needs to be more awareness of how people are being treated and stigmatized.

Dasis profile image
Dasis in reply to patty17

Last government began ESA employed ATOS . Expenses scandal was proof all are corrupt moral bankrupts as politicians.

in reply to patty17

Like you say thay don't care ... but dose anyone one else they are truly as bad as each other THE pushing ahead with welfare reforms but i see house of lords was very soon stopped .. looks like you are part of the club or your not

in reply to

whoever gets elected there more or less all the same,go back on promises ,xxxand no thay don't care daz,

eightyplus profile image

Has anyone told him about "Soylent Green"?

Google explains all.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to eightyplus

Very apt.

in reply to Toci

agree there toci,xxx

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to eightyplus

I thought quorn was ;)

casper99 profile image
casper99 in reply to eightyplus

We must think very alike eightyplus. I watched that film years ago and it had such an affect on me that I have never forgotten it. Every now and again, certain events make me automatically refer to it, as you have done. My son's wonder what the heck I'm on about. Haha. It's on a par with big brother. Spooky.

rick1 profile image

I think it is all done on purpose, to hurt the most vulnerable people in society !

in reply to rick1

Rick 1 i would agree .. A think they want this country like third world .. where there is high levels os illness disease no hospitals or welfare and high mortality rates

in reply to


in reply to rick1

agree there ,xxx

Gordon57 profile image

"patty17 said: I haven't got any hopes that a Labour government would be any better." And that's because it isn't the MP's who make these decisions. The civil servants behind the scenes come up with these crackpot ideas, put a package together that looks good, get the current government to agree to it. But it's the same people who actually 'run' the departments regardless of who is in power. Look back at old 'Yes, Prime Minister' shows for some cracking examples - like this one:

in reply to Gordon57

Defo agree with you there .. Its just like a puppet theatre WELL it is

Offcut profile image

I am sorry to say it is so true, I have as you may know had a nightmare to even get ESA. I should be having a review but I have not heard a thing to date?

in reply to Offcut

Hi offcuts you need to give your mp a bell .. mine was same waiting for dwp atos like thats my problems when its theres and that cleaver d## in number 10

Even when doc come out for my medical it was obv questions was all about sh## on us.

Like i said to doc who cam out to me EVEN a dog that as been run over will try to crawl to side of the road.

It wont get penalised for doing so

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to Offcut

If you are already on ESA and have been put in the work or support group previously then any pending review is probably going to be cancelled as ATOS have pulled out of that process. Instead you'll just carry on with whatever rate you are on. I'm due for a review of ESA in October this year but guess the powers that be will not have sorted this out by then and it will be an automatic renewal, staying as I am.

Of course, if you have a change of circumstances then you still need to let DWP know and they'll have to decide what to do.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Gordon57

I think that is the case I am on support but DWP put a 12 month review on it even though the appeal found indefinite! I now got another ailment to add pulmonary hypertension which is helping screw my breathing. doc has said I need to lose weight but I cannot exercise?

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to Offcut

DLA could be set as 'indefinite' but ESA was always going to be subject to review, at differing periods of time it seems. Review periods can be set to any number of years, depending what mood the decision maker was in on the day they made your award. Support Group would usually be a maximum of 3 years to a scheduled review. Mine is 18 months.

The review date is usually given in the ESA72 letter they send on that funny unbleached paper, on page 2 under 'Future Assessments'

Whinger profile image
Whinger in reply to Gordon57

pip will be same no indefinite award

out-for-lunch profile image

IDS, he's the man .....

In 2003, a certain Dr Gearson revealed that she had written an email to Conservative Central Office expressing her concerns about IDS claiming money from the taxpayer for his own personal expenses—for example his lunches, haircuts, food for his own home, a mirror for his flat, his laundry and – his underwear!

The very same IDS who, in April last year tried to claim £193 of taxpayers money for one night in a hotel .... a bargain - it included a £39 breakfast.

..... gad, don't you just love 'em.

Still, it could be worse .... over a 5-year period the 5 Sinn-Fein MP's claimed more than £500k in expenses .... but never once attended Parliament.

onamission profile image

I'm disgusted by the way I have been treated by these tick box idiots if they can't Google COPD and see how it effects your life then they should not of taken on the contract, they are doing the same for the very vulnerable as Magie thatcher did for the miners I would like to set up a campaign against the way we are treated and get the rule changed that we qualify for benefits on the grounds our illness will never improve.

undine profile image

60 million already wasted says it all about this shambles of a government - the sooner the b's are out the better - thanks Daz for referring the article

Good link Daz. That IDS is a monster as they are all.

I was reading something on line the other day about a 'boarding school syndrome'. It said it can develop in those children who go young to boarding schools. It can make them hard, callous and indifferent to others suffering. Didn't most of the cabinet go to boarding school? That could explain a lot couldn't it?

patty17 profile image

Hi Daz

In reply to yesterday I hate the way the politicians and the media has stigmatized and labelled everyone on benefits as scrongers.

The trouble is people don't question what they see and read. I think it is up to us to tell our stories to make people aware that actually many of us are really suffering due to these welfare reforms. After all we didn't ask to get ill.

I hope you have a result with getting your benefits

tigershay1 profile image

Thank you Daz for bringing this post ....i manage a childrens nursery linked with the church and we have normal hard working people going to the food bank due to not having money to feed their families it is truly disgusting in todays supposedly fair society. And if i hear cameron say were all in this togeter once more i will scream....we are not in it togethef he and those like him have never had to make the choice to feed their children or go without heat due to not being able to buy food or feed the meter. We are going backwards not forwards . The errors they have made in their time is utterly downright appauling and i hope they will be held up as a useless government that they are.

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