its as though since i was diagnosed with mild copd in january all these symptoms are popping up all i had before was slight breathlessness,,
have got a lot of mucus since being o... - Lung Conditions C...
have got a lot of mucus since being on a inhaler anyone know why,,,

I am sorry I cant help you - I care for my husband who has severe COPD. I cant imagine the inhalers would cause it but you never know. I would suggest you go back to the doctor and explain your fears. AND also ring the BLF helpline (click on the red balloon in the corner) - they may have heard of this. Take care, TAD xx
Depends on the inhaler. Some seem to cause excess mucous for some people. Try reading the leaflet that comes with the medication - not all inhalers suit everyone.
I would see the doctor as it could be a chest infection for which you may need antibiotics. Change of colour of mucus to green or yellow usually means infection.
What works for one person, doesn't work for another, so I'd suggest you go back to your doctor to see if that inhaler can be changed for another. It's all trial and error to find the meds that work for you. Take care x