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so worried that I might being doing the wrong thing. Trying so hard as given up smoking. liked sweet mug of tea and cig. to relax. suffering

heho profile image
43 Replies

Doing all as advised . Hard though but want to live as long as possible . Would appreciate responses. Thak you in advance.

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heho profile image
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43 Replies
PeterK1 profile image

I to am doing my best quit, I have tried several times with NRT but failed every time. It is unbelievably hard, I was 60 a day, got that down to 20 a day and I have just started on Champix so this is my last attempt/hope. I will do it this time, maybe we can support each other ?

Suzy6 profile image
Suzy6 in reply toPeterK1

Good luck PeterK1 it will be well worth it.

Lin76 profile image
Lin76 in reply toSuzy6

Please quit smoking. It makes langerhans worse. Please keep trying. I use to smoke about 30 per day,quit January 3 17

heho profile image
heho in reply toPeterK1

Indeed. thank you

Suzy6 profile image

Hello heho keep trying it is worth it. I know it is so so hard. First time for me was hard but I started again and again so if you manage it please don't start again.I found it even harder second and third time. Good luck. Join PeterK1 in his offer maybe together you will crack it.

heho profile image
heho in reply toSuzy6

thanks for your reply

Jettace profile image

Hi heho ...I know it's difficult I have quit for 7 months ...I quit the day I was diagnosed with copd ..I went cold turkey best thing I have even done I breath so much better now no crap to spit out ....believe me it's all worth it..just keep it up you have reached the first step an that is you want to give up....good luck xx

ptliverpool profile image
ptliverpool in reply toJettace

hi Jettace I quit exactly 1 year ago yesterday. Like you I quit on the day I was diagnosed and also went cold turkey (VERY HARD) I am still waiting for the feel good factor. I don't feel any different and breathing has not improved. Maybe this disease (I have COPD and Bronchiectasis) is progressing anyway and I would have felt worse if I had not stopped. I am never going to start again though because I don't want to get worse any faster. Good luck all you new quitters :)

Poppymichael7 profile image

Hope you are coping with the Champix Peter keep up the good work. Good luck to you too heho. Hope you both crack it. As I told you last week two years for me next month and I am so proud of it. Xxxx

lockjean profile image

have you tried an e cig

heho profile image
heho in reply tolockjean

have tried e cig but not the same! will keep trying though

casper99 profile image
casper99 in reply toheho

I thought that too until I used the liquid from Totally wicked. They have a very good range of strengths too. I planned to cut down over a few weeks but found i had swapped real ones for ecig in a week. I got to 1 a day last thing at night and realised I couldn't tell the difference.

I also took up knitting to keep me occupied. Lol. A bonus I didn't expect was it has cut my worrying down immensely and I'm much less stressed. I just get totally engrossed.

heho profile image
heho in reply tocasper99

thank you

Jeremy76 profile image
Jeremy76 in reply toheho

I can vouch for e-cig's.

Nothing else does it and bugger me if i'm going to give the government/tobacco/big pharma co's another dollar. They have taken enough out of me.

I quit on my copd diagnosis, having a baby and the prospect of dying early was enough motivation for me.

Jeremy76 profile image
Jeremy76 in reply toheho

oh and for what I have tried whilst in the UK, the e-cig's there are pretty weak and useless.

If you need some help PM me and I can put you in touch deirect with the manufacturers of some of the better types here in China.

CornishBrian profile image

I quit 4 weeks ago using champix. No problems so far. You have to find something to replace the habit....I don't mean first thing in the morning or after meals habit, I mean the long time habit. I was lucky in that the first non smoking day I was at PR and so I have been able to measure my improvements.I also took up oil painting...never done it before, not got an artistic hair on my head but just time spent pondering what I wanted to paint and then working out how I was going to do it, took my mind of the fag and onto something else. Replace it but replace it with something healthier or something you have wanted to do. Can't afford it? Well, use your fag money.Good luck and work at it.

operatic profile image

My husband is severely ill with COPD and heavily smoked for over 50th. Since Xmas he gave up with patches mints and ecigs. He us still managing but wants a fag now and then. Stick at it the longer you can go without breaking for one the better. He wouldn't have done it without ecigs mints patches. Have to fetch him what he wants when he wants it or he will break. If he hadn't he would be dead by now so it IS worth it. Find other things to do to replace habits. Anything.

peege profile image

I don't know what to say to help only please keep trying. I have seen so many people here who say giving up saved their lives and have a new lease of life.

We've supported several people on a daily basis to become non-smokers so why don't you keep coming here an get our encouragement . No judgements.

Every hour you don't smoke is a step forward, every day you don't smoke is a leap forward. Please don't even buy them so you aren't tempted to "just have one".

There was a lovely member here who stopped with champix, she had emphysema, under 60. She was so brilliantly supportive to folks trying to quit. She did save all her fag money so she and her husband had lovely holidays, mini breaks on it. Always something to look forward to. She joined a gym, got really fit, worked, had an allotment and gave herself a whole new fresh, clean life and dropped a level on her COPD. Her joy and pride shone through.

I know it's not simple, you need support and encouragement. You'll get it here.

I wish you good health, good luck and a cig free day

Good Morning - just to say if it was easy to give up, we all would immediately. It is so damn hard - I gave up a long time ago I had the incentive of being pregnant but my husband didn't give up until about 12 years ago. If you can give it will change your life - it is the one main factor to slow down the progression of COPD. Just keep trying and if you fall of the wagon - don't be too hard on yourself, just start again. Please talk to your doctor - some gps have quit smoking clinics. Think about playing solitaire or something similar, I have it on my tablet and I find that quite useful to relax. Good Luck and just keep trying, it will be worth it. TAD xxx

heho profile image

thank you

ptliverpool profile image

Taking your mind off it helps. I go on the computer after breakfast to keep my hands busy and my mind off cigs.

skinnylizzy59 profile image

You've taken the first big step by trying to stop smoking, now giving up some of the wine is the next step, I think it's a case of mind over matter, you need something else to occupy you and take your mind off things. Keep talking to us here and know that you are supported is a step in the right direction. Good Luck. Take care, Lizzy.

rick1 profile image

I used nicotine patches when I stopped smoking and a lot of will power, It is the best thing you can do to quit smoking!

ChrisPeacock profile image

Health Unlocked host a support group for stopping smoking.

heho profile image

thank you

heho profile image

will keep trying!

eightyplus profile image

You have come to the right place to get a lot of help because no matter how you look at it smoking is a filthy and debilitating habit.

One you are prepared to pay for with your hard earned cash.

I smoked unfiltered cigarettes for 51 years, quit cold turkey at 67 and am still smoke free at almost 82 years of age.

No it easy isn't to stop the habit, you have to want to quit, once you have made that decision you have taken the first step to becoming a non smoker.

Wishing all that have taken that step all the luck in the world.

jimmyw123 profile image

hi peter,, i am in the same boat as you,, been ok for a few weeks now, but must admit to having a bad day on saturday, and to be honest if there had been cigs in the house i might just have been tempted,but the temptation does pass, but my god it is hard, i have smoked for over 60 years,,,, but it shows you, get rid of all ash trays cigs ets,, but i do admit to having a draw of the electric ciggy,that day, which i had stopped as well!! but they were in the house,,,,food for thought,,,, a great post by peeg , best wishes peter,,jimmy

stilltruckin profile image

[Quote] Smoking cessation is widely believed to be very difficult to achieve, with many giving a pessimistic outlook on obtaining abstinence, particularly without treating what is commonly believed to be an underlying nicotine addiction. . . .

It has been suggested the notion that ‘stopping smoking is a very difficult thing to achieve’, establishes an unhelpful and negative belief system that actually fuels difficulty in quitting. For example, Atrens (2001) suggested that while smoking continues to be seen as an inescapable addictive process, smoking cessation programmes will be limited by a self-fulfilling prophecy. . . . [/quote]

dukes profile image

Like Jimmy, I quit (cold turkey) but 29 years ago after 30 years of smoking 40 or more a day.

Chucked out ash trays, carton of fags and a gold plated Dunhill lighter, and all of the paraphernalia on dust-bin day so no turning back!

Also quit the Pub (every night) on the same day, because there is always some bright spark pressing you to’ ‘have another cigarette’ and break your resolve ! Stayed indoors for a week, was a bit grumpy for about a month but after that it got easier. It can be done, many of us have succeeded and I ain’t nothing special.

Good luck, you can do it !

onamission profile image

I gave up the cigs 10 years ago I smoked 20 plus a day for 30 years I did it with champix and the support of my quit clinic. We all set goals and when we are unable to stick to them we beat ourselves up until we feel a complete failure I took one day at a time then a week giving up the cigs is hard it was the hardest thing I have ever done, stick with it we are all hear to support you my greatest need for a cig was with a coffee or after a meal.

PeterK1 profile image

I'm on day 3 of the Champix, I'm cutting down on the fags as well. I will be ready for my quitting day and will probably stop before it.

heho, what are you using to help, I tried the patches with the minty lozenges but didn't like the constant taste of peppermint with every thing I ate or drank. One thing I have been doing first thing on a morning is not giving in to the fag until I've been up and about for while, I make a cup of tea, get the fag and go through the motions of smoking it while I drink my cuppa, but I do not light the fag, I leave my fag lighter out in the garden shed so it's a chew on to get it. I have found I can go 2 hours with the same fag and several cups of coffee before I do give in and get the lighter and have the fag.

One thing I have set in my mind now when I do light up is the question, " DO YOU WANT TO DIE OR LIVE ? " and I repeat the question to myself while I'm smoking the fag, the answer is obvious and as I answer my own question I stub the fag out most times before it's half smoked.

I wish you luck, and please read my post "SPIROMETRY" It shows you can improve your outlook.

snow54flake profile image

have you read the alan carr book to help you stop smoking yes it is hard but look back to how far your have come and not on how far you have to go and to come this far brilliant you can do it marian xx

moneal profile image

It's easy to give up I've done it loads of times. I smoked for twenty plus years, ending up with a pipe, I ignored the children, the wife and the doctor because it would not happen to me. . Then one morning driving to work, coughing up my heart and trying to light the pipe at the same time, this is just stupid I thought, chucked the pipe and tobacco into the dash and never touched them again. It was not easy, but I needed the incentive to give up, if YOU have decided to stop then you can do it, if you are giving up to please others it is not so easy. Two annoying points, the family did not notice for two weeks and it's very easy to put on weight. Good points I am still alive which my consultant says would have been doubtful had I continued. Unfortunately I am on this site which means I am paying the price now, I have had other factors, asbestos dust, chemical cleaners, spray paint and diesel fumes . A good cocktail of what we now know should be avoided at all costs. Good Luck and stick at it, hard but well worth it

I suppose I could put my two pennies in. I stopped 9 weeks ago. Used the Allen Carr Easyway book. Well worth the £6.99 online version. Went cold turkey, I am really not suffering and that's after 40 years smoking. Good luck.

Dragonmum profile image

I am a passionate supporter of the e-cig. Having smoked 20 a day for sixty years and given up for periods of 2 years, one year etc, and always going back my son found e-cigs on-line four years ago. January 28th 2010 was like a re-birth. On my last emergency admission to hospital (COPD, asthma) I was dragging away even though I could hardly breathe, because I knew I couldn't smoke once admitted. Shameful I know, but this is between friends. There was no pressure with the e-cig, no cravings because it satisfied all my needs, four years later I'm still able to enjoy a lifetime habit without all the filth attaching to burnt tobacco. If other methods don't work for you (they never did for me) please do some research online - UKVapers forum is a very good place to start and you'll see there are better things available than cig-a-likes. I couldn't smoke now if I tried - and I won't be trying, very happy with my juices!

jimmyw123 profile image

hi peter, how are you doing,? there,s plenty different advice here, whatever works for you, do it,, but best get rid of all fags in the house, i found that out last saturday as i would have quite willingly smoked one then,if there were any in the house,,, and you,ll know the rest, one after the other!!!,,, but i am so glad i did that now, not even fooling myself with a secret, hidden emergency pack , cause that,s all i would be fooling,,myself,, cause i did that before,,[the lighter in the garden hut, that was me all over] , i feel a certain amount of achievement in that last sat, although not at the time..,quite the blinken opposite!!!,but i do now,, its early days for me, so i cant "shout it from the rooftops" i print this to help myself as well as you,,, and if you fail,, and its you that,s failed and you dont want to, you know this, ,, its not the end of the world,, pick yourself up, dust yourself down,, and start stopping all over again lol:)

i have jumped into the deep end with end stage copd , but i,ll make sure it aint no end stage no matter what anyone says, i intend to go on and be a nuisance yet:) lol. but sick fed up with hospitals,about 7 months out the last year, steroids, antibiotics, now on oxygen,, all for a fag,, nah never worth it,, then theres others to consider, family etc, i am writing this for me, as well as you peter, i think i have managed to convince myself again now,, that helped me lol:) i hope it helps you too pete, all the very best,, jimmy

PeterK1 profile image
PeterK1 in reply tojimmyw123

I'm on day 4 now 2 Champix today, no side effects yet and I had great boost of encouragement yesterday, ( see my post SPIROMERTY ). I thank you Jimmy for sharing that with me, it is good to know other people are trying, and finding it hard, ( garden shed seems to be more common than I thought lol ).

Going to get some rechargeable e-cig's tomorrow and try them instead of the real thing, might even leave 1 in the shed instead of the lighter, but e-cig's and Champix combined must be unbeatable ?? so I'll keep you all posted, and not wanting to hi-jack the thread ' How is it going for you heho ? I hope you are hanging in there ?????

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply toPeterK1

hi peter, great to hear this,,brilliant, you seem to be doing great,, yes i find very hard at times too, but beginning "feeling better" is giving me encouragement in itself now,,,, its strange how we all do much the same things : the garden shed etc :) were all alike, and smokers will know just how far you would go for a fag, it just shows you how much this takes a grip of you, but when you see on here the amount of ex-smokers, some have been very heavy smokers [like me:)] but through one way or another they have managed to stop, so they will really understand exactly how we feel.

i am managing ok now peter, , i still have the electric vapour cigy, but dont use it often now, i was getting the 30mg virginia strong stuff at first then went down to the 8ng, but i just cant believe how it doesnt even bother me too much , its just seems at times when i am on the phone [that was always been my bad habit] or maybe stressed out a bit, but to be honest, and strangely enough, not finding it as hard as i thought,,NOW ,, but i do try and watch out for these times, and certainly do know, if i pass that craving , which i always do, even if its "eventually" , i feel all the better for it, and feel its another step to recovery, anyway peter may you carry on as you are, "WERE" doing great :) :) best of luck,, and best regards,,,jimmy

dava profile image

don't know if you have tried any of the things to help stop but my wife give them up using CHAMPIX tablets worked very well she got them from our chemist superdrugs 100% good but please pack them in there a slow killer

Dragonmum profile image

Welcome to my world PeterK1!! Hope you've done some research; in general market stalls are not the best place to buy ecigs ( tho' I know some exceptions). Google is your friend on this, and a good non-commercial forum is ace and can save you such a lot of cash. As I've said before UKVapers is my choice, very helpful and friendly and, like this one, very easy to use. I do hope those who feel themselves getting cravings or "falling off the wagon" (as I did so many times) will give these a go - please stop the smokes at any cost, they nearly did me in!!!

PeterK1 profile image

Morning all, Hope you are well and staying strong ? posted this morning ( WAKE UP ) I've figured out how Champix works, it just keeps you asleep, or half asleep and pinned to the bed so you can not get up to reach your fags.

Hope we are all still winning the fight against the dreaded NIC NIC withdrawl symptoms, keep your chin up folks

heho profile image

thank you

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