And it feels like a life time (only joshing) I've had some great advice lots of laughs and found out things I didn't' know about my conditions thanks, but the best thing is the warmth and friendlyness of all. Night night here's to a good day tomorrow.
Well it's been a week since I joined - Lung Conditions C...
Well it's been a week since I joined

Night Steph sweet dreams nannyb xx
Good Night Steph, Glad you have enjoyed your week

Thanks Blakey we've all got our own problems weather it be health or personel. It's been a very interesting week on this forum to say the least. I've never even been on Facebook but I must say this has been an eye opener to we'll. x
You sound a really happy person, steph, making the best of things. Dont go away!! I think this forum is better than FB x
Good night Steph, hope you manage a good restful sleep x
Morning Steph and all have a good Friday dauggter Stef is visiting with little granddaughter Effy to entertain me heehee shes so funny what fun to be 3 again xxxx judith xxx
Thank you x she is a poppet ill pop a pic on later shes a smile to cheer anyone up xxx you have a good day too xxx
Hi Steph57. You're a breathe of fresh air !
Glad you enjoy it Steph,& we enjoy having you! Well I willsay goodnight,as its now 11.15 pm here,& yes it does bring back memories of the waltons! xxx
Good day already! Just been to a carer's meeting. The number is so depleted that it's sad.
Good evening Steph57, glad you are enjoying yourself on the site, hope you are here for many more weeks to come . Have a good weekend but beware a storm is on the way,. But it was a beautiful day today weatherwise was it with you ?
Hi Steph, been lovely having you here, it must pass the time for you as I see you on here often. I don't often reply as sometimes its 3 days later when I read the posts. lol. Hope you sleep well tonight take care. Cheryl