Hi all x any ideas y every time I eat my chest gets tight and feels like some one sat on it ???? In on acid reflux meds and have emphysema , chronic asthma, alpha 1 zz , my fev 42%
Eating : Hi all x any ideas y every... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi am sick of my guts hurting mine hurt most days
Think its bloating ... But when i asked my doc said it was musicale pain
Having looked at various sites my doc was right well as is scar tissue
I think you may be getting Angina attacks, go to your Dr as soon as you can & get it checked out, although you can get similar pain from wind, it,s always best to check with the GP
Karen xxx
Thanks sounds like me too x
Omeparzole , ranitiden and gaviscon
You also should remember that a meal will push your diaphragm up to your lungs so you are more likely to feel like its a bit more difficult to breathe. Well thats what my consultant told me so smaller meals are better for us rubbish lung types.
Doc.told me I must lose weight, became vegetarian and tried several diet programs but still not losing weight, any ideas ? I'm also on six omeprazole a day and steroids 5 mg pred. per day
Was awake till 3 this morning not been to bad today so far x I take 40mg of omeparzole in morning and ranitiden morning and night x
I have Acid Reflux and have been prescribed various medicines over the years I also have severe emphysema. The thing that works for me is a Red Apple not the skin though just the inside. I have not had to take any tablets for it since I tried the Red Apple someone told me about it and said just try it I did and I have never looked back that was 3 months ago xxx
Hey with asthma I know how you feel I have bad asthma and I take dust allergy tablets and other ones to make my lungs produce less mucus, and sprays 2 inhalers one blue and a brown one, what I find annoying is the amount of tablets and things you need to take for asthma and your allergies on my profile I have a number of allergy's if you have any advise it would be helpful
Is acid reflux linked to asthma coz I always get very bad indigestion