he last three days have been great no flare ups lets hope the Salfasalazine is working,no trapped nerve either still got the chest infection but the Anti/Bios are working slow but sure, I am going for a long slow walk just to get out is great.Hope we all have a good weekend.Matt
Painfree for the first time since Xma... - Lung Conditions C...
Painfree for the first time since Xmas.Mattcass

Oh wow how wonderful for you long may that continue for you Matt.Yes heres to a good weekend. Janexx
Hi Matt, glad to hear you are pain free, may the salfasalazine keeps on working fo you. Also the anti bios to keep your lungs clear of infection.
No long walks here today, is cold, damp and heavy rain forecast, also for Sunday, Saturday looks promising though and Monday
May the sun shine on you when you walk out.
Enjoy the weekend
Best wishes BC
So pleased Matt. Slowly but surely. Have a good weekend.
3 minutes ago dall05
Lets hope its a pain free 2014 for MC. Sometimes the drug do work!!!
Enjoy your walk and get that chest infection cleared out at the same time.
Done it twice MC as I'm experimenting with copy and paste, something you have already mastered.
Glad to hear the pain has eased Matt. Be guided by the boss, she'll keep you right.
Good to hear your news, MC. Keep better - x
Well done-light at the end of the tunnel. Life is wonderful without pain. Do not upset the applecart by doing too much and make sure you get plenty of healing sleep. Well it's still winter and hybernation you know. Back off for a nap now. Take care love to Fran xx-D
Oh how wonderful Matt, it is just so great when after being ill you start to feel better, its like 'spring' a feeling that life goes on, and things will be better
Carry on the good work
Love Sheila
So pleased to hear you're pain free. Have a great weekend!
Enjoy feeling free from pain MC. Enjoy the weekend although there is yet more rain on the way, again.
Good for you, Matt. Enjoy the peace for your body x
Wooop matt have a good un!!
Hope you have a good un matt
Very happy for you both,what a relief! Don't go doing to much at first though,I expect Fran will be keeping you in line
This is the 2nd time,that only part of my MSG is shown,happened to me yesterday too,obviously gremlins at work!!
Anyway great to hear,you must feel new born!
I know Fran will make sure you don't over do it!
Love to you both xx
Terrific Mattcass! Hope is a good medicine!