MORNING PEEPS,, Not been around for a while,,however now that autum has arrived I have more free time..So will be popping in and out to see what is going on..I hope all who know me are well,,those who don't I also hope you are all doing well also
GOOD MORNING WORLD: MORNING PEEPS,, Not... - Lung Conditions C...

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Good morning Raptor. The weather in South Wales is damp and wet. Fist chest Infection of the winter even though I am on long term antibiotics. Not to worry I have still got my sense of humour. Take care have a good weekend

Get well soon eh and look after yourself xx

Get well soon berwick.

Get well soon. x
Top of the morning to Raptor.I to have the same as you I do like your attitude towards it,I absolutely agree with you.Well the sun is poking its head out a little at the mo which is quite nice will see if I can organise myself quick enough to pop to the shops.Nice to meet you Raptor.Janexx
Hi raptor, I think we are all hunkering down ready for winter.
Hi Raptor pleased to meet you,nice to see members popping back, it helps me to get to know you all, (nosy me)
not really but I do wish you well. and Berwick hope you get well soon. Joan x
Hello Raptor *waves*
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