Recived results of CT Scan results an... - Lung Conditions C...

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Recived results of CT Scan results and are as follows ...

28 Replies

If it was only that simple .. anyway a don't know what Inferior Iingula Consolidation is.

But i do know what NHS clinacal codes are ..

41M is being examined for Heart / Stroke Symtoms .

LRT1 .. Is reciving GP treatment for Pneumonia / Flu Symtoms.

Also i have Centriliobular Emphysematons canges in Both Apices ... Also Apical Centrilobular Emphysema.

If anyone can expand on any of these especially in relation to asbestosis it would be great help

Cheers thanks :)

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28 Replies

You need an expert! I know it's a long wait but I would advise to ring the helpline on Monday. Take care TAD xx

in reply to

Hi cheers .. Ye have expert working on my case to be honest its more to do with not letting them away with it than anything else ..

Few articles for you to read here Daz:

or check this search page:

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Hi BC thanks will have a look felt quite sick .. its more disgust in my X GP you know thay refused to give me antibiotics .. And went in one day and TURD said to me o your the one with cancer like really a had not even sat down

in reply to

that is disgusting Daz, that doc needs to be sent back to patient care school. Hope you get well looked after now. Take good care. Best wishes always BC x

in reply to

Cheers :)

Can I ask a favour? when you find the answers to all the questions that have been given by the scan that was taken, please share with us simpletons that get a diagnoses instead of a medical doctorate when they visit a university hospital. Thanks in advance waiting with baited breath for an explanation.

in reply to

Hi if it was't for BLF and its members a would have no answer or even what question to ask ..

But ye av no intension of keeping quite this terrible disease starts some how its not like you wake up with it

But according to medical profession you do .. How convenient is that

stilltruckin profile image

[Quote] The lingula of the lung, also known as the lingula pulmonis sinistri, or the left upper lobe of the lung, is a tongue-shaped segment of the left lung. It corresponds anatomically to the right lung's middle lobe (the left lung only has two lobes, while the right lung has three). Lingula means little in Latin, so this lobe is also sometimes called the tongue of the lung. The lingula of the left lung has two segments: the superior, or upper segment and the inferior, or lower segment. [/quote]

Pulmonary consolidation: a clinical term for solidification into a firm dense mass.

Apical: The adjective for apex, the tip of a pyramidal or rounded structure, such as the lung or the heart.

Centrilobular emphysema . . .

[Quote] Asbestos fibers are known to cause lung fibrosis, but their role in emphysema is unclear. . . . Emphysema subtypes ... were separately scored ... which scores were added up to yield the total emphysema score. . . . An asbestosis diagnosis was ... a significant independent predictor of a higher total score. Emphysema was more common when workers had asbestosis or were heavily exposed to asbestos (insulators), but due to confounding factors the causative role of asbestos in emphysema needs further study. [/quote]

in reply to stilltruckin

Hi stilltruckin its all been up in the air my diagnosis

My lung doc was telling my docs i had bronchitasis but on results its i dont

Hospital sent dick to courts with xray sh## on and it did't work ...

So judge is pretty pissed

Acroding to scan the toung is two little masses less than 2cm each

I surpect lung doc is painting nice pic as when i seen my xray hole mass stretched right across my lung.

A dont think thay want courts to see xray becouse thay know am already doing my X GP for saying it was just panic attacks.

A just hope its nothing more sinister .. Have tryed looking but it makes me feel sick a just hope am not going up same road as MP

operatic profile image
operatic in reply to

My husband is in hospital at moment with same sort of thing and whole family have to go through it too. I do all the questions and fighting for him. If you have someone you can trust who wants to do this for you then you would not have to have it in your face so much. You need to be enjoying as much of your life as you possibly can. So you want as much trusted support help and love and understanding as possible.

stilltruckin profile image

Sounds like you need a good solicitor to represent you - if you could afford it . . .

in reply to stilltruckin

Cheers ye have one .. It was them that got my diagnosis .. You have to ask when would of courts told me as thay knew from may 2013

longlungs profile image

Hello dazisnogood man !!! Iam so glad you have a legal beagle now,I hope he is strong and ready to fight your corner!We are all behind you,stay strong ,keep well.This journey ain't finished yet but you is getting there my friend.True grit ! Janexx

in reply to longlungs

Hi longlungs cheers :)

junespoon profile image
junespoon in reply to

Hi Daz, as L/L says stay strong, It really must get you down to say the least, but we are behind you, X Heather..

in reply to junespoon

Thaks :)

Toci profile image

Well, you seem to be getting there Daz. It is appalling the way you have been treated. I am sending love and support. x

in reply to Toci

Cheers Defo A Pain But I Think Crossed Hill Now :)

Offcut profile image

Keep on Daz I know its a battle.

My cardiologist is sending me and my doctor their concerns with my heart and their observations of my deteriorating breathing. I once again mentioned this to my doctor and the fact I have worked with asbestos for at least 15 years. For him to look at the report from an xray in 2010 to say "They do not say anything here?" I did not know myself until a few months back as I was told what we used to cut on a circular saw was safe! he reluctantly put me up for a spiro test which when I got to it they had no nurse qualified to do it and had to rebook.

It seems that they have had new directives back when I had lung failure in 2008 I was sick of them asking me if I had been working with asbestos and I said no it was asbesolux? I was told it was safe and contained no blue asbestos which was half true it contained the brown which is the second most harmful.

Keep your head up I am following you and your battles.

in reply to Offcut

we fight as 1,ow are you offcuts,bernicex

in reply to Offcut

Hi Cheers Offcuts .... You Have Defo Been Threw It I Hope This New Wonder Drug Helps All Been Talking About

Was reading My Scan Results And Paints Picture Of Everything Being Fine... Nothing Like When You Read Counterparts In America Everything Is Disclosed

Its Like My Heart Ad Me Suffering From Hypertension Due To My Condition My Scan Says Nothing About That

Wel Tribunal Going To Be In For A Shock If Thay Think Its Going To Be A Breeze

onamission profile image

Hi Daz my mom worked at COD Donnington all her life and I remember one of the buildings catching fire they were made out of asbestos. We were all told to stay in our homes as the black smoke came over and the asbestos was found miles away. A girl I went to school has dies with this asbestos and a local solicitor was working on behalf of the people who had been effected good luck solicitors only work at one pace very slow

in reply to onamission

true woman also have died with asbestos,

in reply to

A Dont Know Why But Yep There More Susceptible Was Reading Doc In Usa And Said White Caucasians Male And Female Are More Susceptible To MES Than Hispanic Or Black Men

Must Have Something To Do With Skin Pigment Cells Apparently Lungs Are Classed As Skin?

in reply to onamission

Hi There Is A Lot Of It About ... Big Group In Liverpool A Think Doing Some Factory Owner For Same Thing

Is Worst Thing Ever Lung Conditions And Asbestos .... This Past Week A Knew What It Feels Like To Drown

Defo Would Not Recommend It

sassy59 profile image

Good luck to you Daz and always wishing you the very best. It is an uphill struggle but you seem to be getting there. Never give up and don't let the b******s grind you down! Take care xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi Cheers :)

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