....................................With my hands on my head
With my hands on my head what have we here
This is my main thinker my teacher dear
Main thinker, main thinker, knicky knacky knocky knoo
That's what they taught me when I went to school
With my hands on my eyes what have we here
These are my eye blinkers my teacher dear
Eye blinkers, main thinker, knicky knacky knocky knoo
That's what they taught me when I went to school
With my hands on my chin what have we here
This is my chin wager my teacher dear
Chin wagger, eye blinkers, main thinker , knicky knacky, knocky knoo
That's what they taught me when I went to school
With my hands on my chest what have we here
This is my cough chester my teacher dear
Cough chester, chin wagger, eye blinkers, main thinker, knicky ,knacky, knocky, knoo
That's what they taught me when I went to school.
With my hands on my toes what have we here
These are my toe tappers my teacher dear
Toe tappers, cough chester, chin wagger, eye blinkers, main thinker, knicky, knacky, knocky . knoo
That's what they taught me when I went to school
Now you all know why KOTC is stupid ,
Because 'that's what they taught me when I went to school' !!!
Don't you be stupid, go to your Breathe Easy group
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