does anyone go dizzy and feel like passing out when breathless
dizziness when breathlessness - Lung Conditions C...
dizziness when breathlessness

Hi a feel dizzy on and off but b4 i recived meds for my condition it was worse and ended up me going A+E on various occasions
Are you coughing up a lot of mucus ss you could have infection .
But with out knowing your condition could be norm
Cheers sll the best
Hi is this a new symptom? My husband suffers with severe Copd not heard him talk about dizziness even when very breathless. Just wondering if you are starting with an infection. Please see your doctor - don't worry yourself - or ring the blf helpline in the morning. Take good care TAD x x
I feel dizzy when sob
I have had the dizziness when very short of breath. Doc said it was shortage of oxygen to the brain.
I get dizzy from time to time...not spinning yet, but a weird side to side feeling, very strange...I've put it down to being over tired because I think I can do soo much more with oxygen that I forget to stop and rest!
Hi Lillytan, So you can do much more with the oxygen, I am thinking this is the way that I need to go have been trying to put it off for so long now, do you just have it at night or in the day too.
Juneapoon, I'd say if your sats are low and your consultant has recommended oxygen then you should get it, otherwise you are putting your organs at risk if your sats drop too low...mine has dropped really, dangerously low so I am grateful to have it...take what is offered to make your life better, safer, but remember that it isn't a cure, it is an aid, so don't be like I've been and over do it! X
I hope I am wrong but it could be your heart playing up. It is worth asking your GP for an ECG. Good luck.
Kind Regards Mandy.
Yes particularly when I cough as well. GP says it is because the blood pressure drops when you cough. She has given me some medication which treats Menieres Disease to see if it helps with the dizziness - I feel like I am going to fall down and my head feels all peculiar (mind you some would say I am anyway lol!)
Its all quite grim really on subject of heart ... hospital told me mine is fine or we would not be having this conversation ... And put it down to speed wobble arythema
A thinks its down to lung blood vessels being constricted ... Well in my case and also ...
This hole being winded when bending over is not good so am going to see copd nurse as a read its quite serious if it interferes with your breathing
But on a cheerer note there is so many horrid things when you have lung confition ...
All you can fo is just crack on and try not to worrie