Hi everyone, I know some of you have bought oximeters from ebay and amazon. I can only find a few on Amazon which were pricey, I remember people saying they could be bought for around £20, and that they were pretty accurate. Any ideas?. Thanks Janice x
Oximeter: Hi everyone, I know some of... - Lung Conditions C...

Amazon firsted was £19"95 second was £18.95?
Mine is clinical guard - you might want to read previous post on this subject:
I think there are several other posts as well, check in site search (top right)
You might find this link also useful pulseox.info/ it tells you all about using an oximeter and its limitations for accuracy etc.

Thank you Blakey, will havea look, was using my friends one for a while but she has now reclaimed it...
Hi I just looked at Amazon there were oximeters for about £20, just look under the All category not just at Health....don't know what they are like though as I don't have one.
This is the one I have from Amazon and it is very good in fact my doc said she might herself one to slip in her bag
Thank you jandan, I am now getting sorted,had a look and am going to order right now!!! Wish me luck first time ordering on line, so I hope its easy, (will have to be with my brain). We always know where to come for any advice needed don't we, just pop in here and all will be well xx
Once you start there will be no stopping you be warned
Erm, I dont think I have taken to online ordering..have now got 2 oximeters in my basket and a temperature thingy.. I dont seem to be able to get rid of em either. (ha ha knew I was too old to learn new things!!!) Was thinking of giving up for today but I have a horrible feeling that if I order tomorow I will end up with 3 of the damn things.....
jandan, have just resorted to a large glass of wine might just clear my mind enough to carry on, ha ha
you will see a delete button just reduce quantity to one and delete completely the thermometer but remember to click on update but if you would like I will order it for you and you can send me the money and I will get it delivered to you or give me a call and I will talk you through it. Just PM me if you would like some help xxx
I too got one off Amazon. It was only £17 but it was listed as being used although it came with original packing and works perfectly.
I bought one from Play.com came back this morning £21 checked it against my neighbour who is a nurse and same result so would say it's accurate