With the heat but don't know where to start. Help please!
What happened to the forum and can so... - Lung Conditions C...
What happened to the forum and can someone please tell me how the new arrangement works? I was hoping to see how people are coping with

Hello and welcome. The new site has been updated because the old one was close to overload (I think!). It works pretty much like the old one. There are questions and posts (that used to be blogs) and a new development is the category list on the right. If you have managed to post you are not doing much wrong!
Well, I've just got a notification email of this and other posts. I haven't been on the forum since the changeover because I couldn't get on, it said my browser was too old and I wasn't going to change my browser just because one forum doesn't support it. Not sure if things have changed now seeing as I can add this response, will come back later and see how things are working as this layout is all new to me now.
As for coping with the heat, I don't like it this hot personally but I'm fortunate that it hasn't affected my COPD.
Hiya Seaside, nice to see you
Hi bluemagic and welcome to the new site - not totally improved quite yet, still a few things to be ironed out but at least it's functioning better than it was. Normally, you would enter in the search bar what you want to find but having just tried it myself it just brings to a new tab of Health Unlocked. Oooooops. At least you managed to post a question - well done! As for the heat, many members struggle also with the weather - some manage better than others depending on their condition and also it varies from person to person. The BLF have some information on their website about coping with the warm weather, that may be of interest to you. xx
Hi Blumagic
I have really struggled in the heat. I prefer nice cold weather. The last couple of days haven't been so bad though with slightly lower temperatures and a bit of rain.
Bobby xx
I dont know anybody else, but I tend to fall asleep during the day. I can sleep through anything during the day - so annoying. It wakes me up to have a laugh and a jest with Bobby.
I am quite happy with this forum, a good atmosphere. I have got used to the new layout. Miss some older members that dont appear but some friendly newbies

Thanks Annieseed, getting used to it now have been shown way in!
It's just like the old forum, but with new glitches that are being ironed out, oh, and categories too. Nice to see you
Sandra x x x
Hi nowheeze, do you think it will ever get back to where it might be acceptable to post a picture or even a poem or song lyric. I kinda feel I'm taking a chance just asking - us certain individuals walk on thin ice I think.
Hi bluemagic and seaside nice to see you both back. I had to change my browser which I didn't want to but my computer wouldn't accept anything else. Hope it hasn't affected any other sites I use!
Bev x

Hi Bev,
Thanks for your reply. I think I just couldn't find my way in before, but now am here am reassured to see it's more or less the same. Hope I'll be able to find my way back......maybe if I leave a trail of hreadcrumbs on the way out...

Hi Hypercat :). I wasn't going to change my browser as everything else I do on the computer supports mine. Some strange things happening though. I read a post and the oldest messages are at the top, I reply and then the newest messages are at the top. Not even going to try and understand it!
My husband has not been good at all - he struggles in extremes! Winter was awful couldn't breath very well at all , slowly adjusted to spring got an infection and now the heat! Moan moan moan! Seems to be a little better last two days . Hope you are coping ok. Tad x x x
My husband has not been good at all - he struggles in extremes! Winter was awful couldn't breath very well at all , slowly adjusted to spring got an infection and now the heat! Moan moan moan! Seems to be a little better last two days . Hope you are coping ok. Tad x x x

Hi Tadaw, thanks for your help and it really is endless with lung disease, isn't it?! You barely get over one thing before some delightful new variation zooms in. Best of luck to your husband.
Thanks to everyone for their kind responses. Have sent replies but not sure if they registered. I need lessons!
Yes I am struggling with this heat as well as having chronic c.o.p.d. I now have a bronchial infection and pleurisy on my chest, aha well its good to get it off your chest as they say