I have COPD my doctors have told me ... - Lung Conditions C...
I have COPD my doctors have told me to drink plenty of water,would drinking tonic water with orange squash have the same effect as water.

Hi Tracey, the ingredients of tonic water don't seem to signal any problem. The only one I am not sure about is quinine, but in the small amounts used it shouldn't hurt. I have listed the ingredients for you.
Carbonated water, sugar, citric acid, flavourings (including quinine), sweetener (sodium saccharin).
Bobby xx
Thank you Bobby its just that the doctor said that water would help to loosen the mucus and make it easier to cough up so didn't know if the tonic water and squash would have the same effect (sorry its a bit descriptive) I don't like drinking ordinary water.
Tracey xx
Hi Tracey. I'm with you on that one, not fond of water either plus I dont like really cold drinks from the fridge or over sweet stuff.
Recently a pulmonary nurse practitioner told us at a talk that we (we as in ppl with lung probs) need to drink at least 2 litres of fluid.
The only liquids that dont count are cola, tea, coffee with caffeine and alcohol. All else is fine but dont over do the fizz or sugar.
Besides my decaf teas & decaf skinny lattes I'm in the habit every day of making up 2 x 75dl Evian bottles of very, very weak lemon squash (sugar free) just to make the water more palatable.
It does help. It was explained that the mucus gets thick and sticky & therefore very dificult to shift. Same, if like me you have blocked sinuses too. Take care, P
he he I have two brats 19 and 23 who pull the most horrendous faces if given tap water. I blame their mother who insisted on giving them squash and juices as babies. The 23 year old ( a soldier) has just come back from Afghanistan and he was more worried about getting a "proper" drink than he was about the Taliban.
Bobby xx
Hi Tracey
I just finished my pulmonary rehab course and one topic that was covered mentioned how they used to say only water helped but they now have the view that tea, coffee, squosh and other drinks are just as effective in thinning the mucus making it easier to cough or huff up.
That's good news Anna.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Tracey,
Think not so much 'drinking water' as 'keeping hydrated'. Drinking anything that is mostly water is OK, I like a beer now and then. But don't forget that in this current episode out of the fridge, that we loose salts and other essential elements from our bodies that need to be replaced, so the tonic is probably better than tap water anyway.
Those of us with lung problems tend to blow our lungs drier than those without because of panting, gasping, and pursed lips breathing, so rehydration is important fur us. While we're at, we might as well enjoy it.
Keep cool, drink plenty, and breathe easy,
I'm with johnwr on this, Tracey, but I do like your idea of tonic water and squash, as the tonic water would help with my hands and feet cramps - it's the quinine that stops the cramps Just keep taking lots of fluids on board, enjoy the weather if you can, and belatedly, welcome to the forum
There's a lot of good, knowledgeable and supportive folks here who will help you whenever able.
Sandra x x x
My view is the very best thing for the body general is water, carbonated drinks have sugar and they tend to cause bloating and make breathing more difficult.
Some options to make water more exciting:
I enjoy tonic water but if I drink it on a daily basis I get dark rings under my eyes, why! I don't know but when I leave it off for a while the darkness goes away.
polly xx
Could it be the gin you ad to it, lol xx
If you don't like tap water a health option would be any fruit tea made with boiling water and once left to cool at room temperature placed in the fridge. Very refreshing with no nasty additives
I love the Liptons Iced Tea. They do a Mango one and a Peach. They do a lemon one too but I'm not so keen on that. I'm not sure how 'natural' any of it is though.