You'll have to copy the full address above. You may get a different bird/animal initially, but if so, click on the pic with a bear with a fish in its mouth.
Fantastic site.
You'll have to copy the full address above. You may get a different bird/animal initially, but if so, click on the pic with a bear with a fish in its mouth.
Fantastic site.
Oh they are gorgeous Sadie, lovely post - it looks so cool there - bears haven't caught one yet though - perhaps I ought to share my pilchard butty with them LOL xx
Hahahaha stoopid bears - one salmon just jumped to the left of the sitting down bear and he looked mortified !
Can I share your pilchards Scrobs - on toast though! Just been looking at some of the other live cams on the site, the weedy sea dragons are very strange creatures! Love this site, thanks for the link, could be watching these cameras for hours! Libby x
Yeah of course you can share - big tin of pilchards just in case - KKK will be interested too so may be a bit of a fight!
Me too, will be watching intently - watched the salmon having a boogie underwater too - absolutely brilliant. xx
Oh, how entertaining I could watch this all day
Thanks Sadie
Sandra x x x
Wonderful post Sadie thankyou
julie x
How wonderful.
I've got a big problem,I can't stop watching it!
The osprey cam is amazing too, one of the chicks (they are as big as mum) is trying to get off the nest and mum is doing her best to keep it on, really exciting! They'll probably both end up over the edge at this rate!
oh dear, another cam to keep me from doing things i should be lol love it, i watch one in america, with bears will find you the link xx
Big, big thanks to Sadie for this link, can't remember having so much fun on the internet in ages - mwah! xx