With the good weather arriving today and continuing into next week I just wonder how everyone copes in the heat. It affects Pete's breathing but I have a devils job keeping him inside. I have to go and get the sunscreen out of the cupboard because he has vitiligo too. Stay well all and take care. xxxxx
Are we all happy about the sunshine? - Lung Conditions C...
Are we all happy about the sunshine?

I am happily pottering about outside before it gets too hot. Just using the i pad to catch up whilst i have a coffee.
Ennjoy your day
Kevin x
My husbands breathing is not great either!! Such a shame when the sun is shining and the world looks a pretty happy place - not when I hear him wheezing away!! Hope you have a lovely day. PS This year my husband is really suffering - he has never needed sun cream skin of a rhino but I think he has had sunstroke at least once. Funny never used to worry about the weather - now spend most of my time watching the weather reports!!!! That and watching out for anyone with a cold within 10 feet of him!!! Take care, with love TAD xx

I so get where you are coming from TAD and it can all be a nightmare. I feel as if I should be happy about the hot weather but I do like to keep an eye on Pete. He is happy and just gets on with it. Talking about a BBQ on Sunday! Yikes! xxxx
It's nice to see the sun but does it really have to be so hot that's the bit I don't like and hay fever doesn't help matters much, but on the plus side there's a lovely cool breeze at the moment so pretty comfortable for the time being at least.
OK at the moment, just right. I don't think I would want it to be too hot, fan is at the ready. We've never really had very hot weather since I've had COPD so don't know how it will affect me if it got into the 80s.
Lib x
I love the sunshine..but not sure if it makes me feel worse or not yet.. not had enough to judge!!
I feel 100% better in my mood when I see the sun. However the price I have to pay is temperatures over 23c are to be avoided like the plague.
I've tried shooting the sun out with my walking stick but the rabbit droppings I'm using as ammo are burning up before they can hit the target.
Damn, this heat is affecting my mind too !
I love every second of it - outside cramming as much vitamin D into my little bod as I can - the heat suits me personally, it's the cold and damp that gets me every time. xx
I am a sun worshipper, always have been. I seem to breathe better too on warmer days, as long as the humidity does not rise too high.
Thanks for all the replies. I like the sun but a few years back we had been out during very hot weather and Pete developed a chest infection within a few days lasting 3 weeks. I just think the air quality is not always as good but we have to make the most of the nice weather when we get it. Enjoy it while you can. Love to all. xxxx
I have worked in the far east, middle east , south America, carribbean ,lots of hot places. now with the dreaded c.o.p.d. anything over 20c and I`m struggling
I love it,but it does make breathing a bit heavier.its ok when got Doors and windows open if inside.nights are the worse
I used to love the sun but now it effects my breathing
Love it. Sitting here outside enjoying it as I type. We've got a bit if a strong breeze though.
Yes, it's affecting me too. I'm sniffly with hayfever (which I never used to get either) and have developed a dry cough which makes me sneeze too for some reason. I have had to slow down more because its harder to breathe. Doesn't help that we live right by the sea but at the side of a main road and the sun has brought increased traffic so don't know if its the heat or the traffic.
BTW...to anyone who remembers me, hubby has just been given the 'all clear' to drive again following his stroke although he's still got a pronounced limp and walks very slowly. All his tests came back fine so they have no idea why he had the stroke - nothing abnormal showing up on tests etc.

Good to hear Lorraine - glad things are a lot calmer now

Yo Lorraine, great to hear from you!
I've been wondering how he is. Very pleased to hear this, it'll be a relief for you I bet. I remember you saying you hated driving. Very best wishes to you both. Peeg xx
So glad, all is well again Lucky,fantastic that he can now drive,as I also remember you were not keen on it.
Welcome back,
Hugs Wendells xx
Went out for a walk this afternoon, heat does make me more breathless, it is worse than last year, but my Spiriva test was the same as last year, trying to work that one out...............
Oh YES! I love it. It really lifts my spirit & somehow I can breath more deeply.
I'm very sorry for all of you who suffer from the heat but for people like me, enjoy it while it lasts :-).
Good to see you back Lorraine, glad hubby has improved. I love this weather, doesn't affect my breathing, funny how we are all so different. Of on holiday in our little caravan on Monday so hope the weather lasts. Keep smiling
Carole x
I like the sunshine and I love taking the dog out in this sort of weather. I get a little sob but its worth it. But - it always makes me feel very low because it seems everyone is in pairs or families or having barbies and I am on my own. My friends spend most of their time with their families. I do have a friend who goes doggie walking with me sometimes at the weekend but apart from that have nobody. Sigh....
Bev x

We are all here for you Bev and thanks for answering my question. It must be lovely for you to get out and about with your dog. Take care and thinking of you. xxxx
Oh dear Bev,big hug from me,sorry we can't get together for a cuppa!!
Remember you have friends here xxx

your not on your own there Bev, I am in exactly the same situation. I also feel tired 24/7, have no energy, and suffer from a low mood. Is it the condition, depression or a bit of both? I look at my poor dog and feel so guilty, I just don't move. I was so energetic once, walked everywhere and just don't know what's happened to me. Having someone who understands to chat to would be wonderful. sigh.....
Thanks so much to all you wonderful people out there who bothered to reply to my question. Much appreciated and fascinating to see how the weather affects everyone in different ways. It is another lovely, hot day so take care everyone. Love to you Lucky and your dear hubby. Hope all goes well and he continues to recover. Love to all. xxxxxx
Dislike temperatures over about 70 degrees F and sunbathing makes me twitchy and dopey, if that's possible.Find it hard to cool down.