Me wots Ibs ?
Can someone tell: Me wots Ibs ? - Lung Conditions C...
Can someone tell

Or irritable bowel syndrome
A complete mystery to me. Enlighten me !!
Mmm I'm confused too...
I can convert if you give details, well, the ap can, any good az ?
1 short ton = 4,000 lbs
Do you have a crush Azaard
Apparently a 2 ton one ......
Am confused
I thought for a moment but now I don't know
2 Things It Could Be (1) I Been Sleeping (2) I Been Sh###
What Can I Say Must Think Out Of The Box : ))
If youre talking of a medical condition, IBS is irritable bowel syndrome. hope that helps.
Or if its an l not an i, then its pounds in weight.( lbs.).
Knew libra in Latin was something to do with weight (scales of justice), and in Spanish libra means pound but had to look up for a proper explanation:-
The unit is descended from the Roman libra (hence the abbreviation "lb"); the name pound is a Germanic adaptation of the Latin phrase libra pondo, 'a pound by weight'.
2240 ibs english weight equivelent to english ton,not to be confused with tonne used in europe,or irritable bowel syndrome,loads of imformation on the net
I think I must be losing my mind, don't have a clue what you are all on about !!!!!!!

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