Hope you are all feeling well today !? - Lung Conditions C...
Hope you are all feeling well today !?

Not happy, I have put on weight. So cross but it is up to me to do something about it. Love annieseed xx

Me too annieseed I was thinking about buying the diet pill Alli but not sure if it's safe with my medication.
Liz x

Big ((((( Hug)))))) coming your way x x x x
Waste of money, I am afraid to say, limbo. Try weight resources.com I have just been sorting out the kitchen cupboards but have take a break every ten minute. I used to love my pottering. Heigh ho!

Thanks anniesee xx
I don't think diet pills really work because they do not teach you to eat a balanced diet and whatever weight you loose will soon go back on. I have heard the Alli pills work by removing most of the fat that you eat quite quickly after each meal I imagine it is a bit like having IBS.
Something to look into before you buy.
polly xx
I think steroids are evil for weight gain, as are beta blockers ( not that I expect many here are on those awful things).
I was put on asthma- friendly selective beta blockers when first diagnosed hypothyroid, and I put on a whole load of weight, then three weeks after coming off them I lost a pound a day for almost two weeks. That shows it was the bb's that caused the gain.
Steroids are nasty for piling on weight too, even sprays do that to me,not just pills.
One of my good friends has schizoaffective disorder and put on a massive amount of weight on antipsychotics. She tries so hard to keep slim but is fighting a losing battle.
There seem to be so many factors when looking at weight gain or loss, what we eat is only one of those.
I agree that diet pills are not the best way, not that I am sure what is. For me, it was optimising my hormones, so curing my deficiency of thyroid, testosterone, DHEA etc.
Good luck, being overweight is so uncomfortable apart from making us feel less attractive.
koala x
Hello everyone........ i am sorry to hear someof you are havening a rough day........ my ears pricked up when i heard "diet pills"..... please dont waste your money and time with these......shop brough pills consist of nothing valuable to loose weight.. and internet pills are so very dangerous.
Loosing weight is so very difficult generally, combined with medication it can be a tough part of life. I hope i can help in a way as my back ground is nutrition.. Dont worry im not going to go on and on about eating fruit and vegetables etc...... In most cases eating 3 meals a day , fruit and vegetable intake... is just not enough. There are SO many hidden things that can go un noticed when watching your weight... Weve all seen FAT FREE or.... 0%fat .... lables on foods are awful...... they dont actually tell us whats in what.... when we thinks its fat free.... there comes 28 grams of sugar in just one small portion. So...... here are a few things to tweek ( please be aware this is only friendly advice - any drastic changes you should consult your doctor).....
Cut down if not out all sugar..... seems easy enough right..? Well sugar is in everything.. even the fat free stuff........
Fizzy drinks and diet drink yes i said DIET drinks... out All diet drinks have Aspartame in them...... a harmful horrid ingrediant. In fact this is in MOST sugar free products.... as we all THINK diet drinks and low fat foods are good?
DRINK bottled water..... your body requires more water tha you think to even digest a meal. Bottles wtare is a good choice or a filter jug.. these have come down in price over the years.
eat small meals........
Cut down on dairy..... try diary free products (check lable for sugar intake per portion), Goats milk is a good source.
Try not to snack........ yes we all do that... (even me)..... FILL up on fruit or raw vegetables.
Obviuosly everyone is different, and i understand that not everyone can tweek a few bits and peices and loose weight....... the main thing is to find a mind set which works.... think positive with choices you make....... we are ALL beautiful inside........... god bless. x x x
He he. My mum was always going on diets and complaining they didn't work. My dad used to say, "Calories in, fat arse out". It didn't endear him to mum but I think he was right.
Love to all chubbies from Bobby xxx
I agree and so do the experts about the fizzy drinks louloublue.
I am doing ok thanks and hope you are too. Had a close encounter with grass debris floating in the air earlier but once away from that did ok at my exercise class.
Couple of links for those that may be interested to learn more about food with some tips on what to avoid and what to enjoy:

theres so many hidden things BlakeyC.... we have to be so careful..... ARHHHHH that grass debris hey....... it gets to us all..... i am glad you did ok at your class... i am sure you did amazing.. x x x have a restful evening...... x
have studied this, lou. It all makes good sense BUT Icant exercise very well which would help. Could you give me some ideas about dairy free stuff. Must admit I do like lite yoghurts. Have fun.

Hi Annie, Re yoghurt;
I lost a stone & a half last year by cutting out sugar, fat and most useless carbs (ie white rice, pasta and bread).
I eat a lot of yogurt as it's high in protein so stays in your system for longer.
This is my breakfast:
1 pot of Activia 0% fat fruit yog + same amount of 0% fat plain yog + a huge TBS of oatbran Mornflake brand) mixed in.
The Activia has a bit of sweetner in it but not nearly as much as others (believe me, I've done my research ) it also has some probiotics.
These days I'm halving the Activia so : 1/4 Activia & 3/4 plain.
It might sound boring but I get to choose every day which flavour. They're usually on offer somewhere.
I dont get peckish until late morning so have an early lunch, often scrambled egg n bacon (fat cut off) or a big bowl of my chunky veg soup (no spuds) ....
I hope this helps. It's really cheered me up to be lighter and be back in my old size 12's. Everyone comments on how well I look (it's just a look but the comments help). Best of all I feel so much better & healthier.
Take care xxxx
(ps I cut out dairy for many years but it didn't really make much difference, feel much better now on my sugar & fat free regime)
Thanks for your helpful, reply, peeg. I was pleased to hear about the yoghurt. I think activa is on offer at Morrisons.
I wont see size 12 again, if I ever did. At my age, it would sags and bags. But at least try. All the best from Anniex

Sorry, I didn't need to write in a size, it spoils the point of feeling better for it
Hello annieseed..... it is very tricky regarding exercise...... and i feel for you. Many people find exercise difficult, so as i mentioned before we must FLIP that onto its head and think what we can do to help our bodies perform 100% everyday with just good clean food.
I have been diary free for 10 years now.. and my first few years were awfull.... infact BLOODY awful ha ha ha.... however... im still here ha ha ha ha.... After 10 years i can now tollorate a small amount of dairy..... its actually what i eat dairy on.... ig - whats already in my stomach.... whioch i can react too.... i used to have Alpro.... only to find there is sugar and some nasty things my body does not need in there SO i am now on Lactose free .... obviuolsy there is dairy in there but alot less than the normal milk. i also have found..... in tesco the Lactose free yoghurts..... now they are rather nice...... and a good price.. I love yoghurt over some fruit around 3-4pm.... as a snack just to keep my stomach toped up.
Ive also tried Goats cheese...... lovely on a salad.. and alot cheaper thjan cheese. To be honest.... i could write pages and pages about food and what not to eat....... its a HUGE world isnt it.
I feel for you annieseed.... i think by making small changes and better choices...... anything is possible.
Oh ..... try coconut milk..... a low fat one... very good for metabolic rate. and rather Yummieeeee.
Take care x x x x lou lou
Your email was encouraging. Have noted its contents like those of Peeg. People are so helpful. I have wondered about goats cheese. Will try it pronto. I see there are different flavoured milks. Study the Cals. Thanks a lot, love Anneseedx