Bad chest so have been upstairs most of the day, came down stairs for a drink, could'nt see much out of living room window. Good god there was a huge caravan blocking my view on next doors drive. There is a caravan the other side which has never been moved for four years and is falling to pieces. I now cant see much at all. Bloody annoying when you spend a lot of time indoors. Anyway I used all the swear words I know (not many because I am a lady !!) Will have to develop tunnel vision ha ha. Hope you have all had a good day, I am away to my bed (again) with a hot toddy xxx
Lots of swear words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Lung Conditions C...
Lots of swear words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing you can do in that situation - good call And swearing loudly is good for you - think of all the lung exercise you got - but
on the caravan
I really must try this scream therapy.

It's brilliant on all levels - great for lungs and great for releasing tension - win win I'd say
Again, I must try this. I think it'll help in so many ways
Sorry to hear your chest is bad today. Mine too. You have my unreserved sympathy.
As for caravans, perhaps you should start a rumour and tell your neighbours the council is getting so desperate for housing solutions they are thinking of commandeering them .... hey, it worked for me x x
Oh that is a mighty fine suggestion - in fact my flat is a bit crummy and was thinking of a move ................ and nixy does hot toddies
If Nixy is lucky, and the neighbours fall for the ruse, there won't be any caravans for you to move into .... Within a couple of days of me discussing this in the post office with a clued in friend, my neighbour had his towed away.....
Yea I certainly do hot toddies, but I open my mouth and they are gone.....No one else would get a look in....Looked out of the window, caravans still there so made another drink, This time vodca and tonic. If I keep going at this rate I won't be able to see the window never mind the caravans....cheers x
ROFLOL That's the spirit Nixy. Cheers x x x
Vodca gone now, shall I have another one, perhaps not as had emergency meds earlier. Slept so much today, don't think I will sleep now. Best give it a go I suppose. Feeling a little happier at the mo, ha, ha, the voddy was a very large one Night night xx
Ah well scrobbitty, bad news I think, when the bottle is empty It's time for bed, lol x
Nixy, there's a 24hr Tesco near her .... empty isn't a problem
I loves Dorset and I loves 24 hour shopping
and I just found some Southern Comfort !
OK you two I will leave you to party, you are too much for me. zzzzzzzzzz
Night Nixy, sleep well. Promise, we'll clear up and stash the empties
Cant have caravan in this cul de sac - open plan - no drives which can be a disadvantage but I can live it. Dont like caravans. I use to have a moped and loved it but see a caravan on the road scared me to death - they sway.
Your right about the swaying, we give them a wide berth when on a motorway. I bought a scooter once when I was about 18, which needed a bit of work on the gears. My dad refused to help, so I sold it. and bought a Robin reliant (three wheels) dad went mad would'nt let me keep it. Had to sell it one. I was so sad In those days you did what your parents told you even at 18 if you were living at home lol