recently the FDA approved dupixent for copd. It was originally prescribed for asthma and other conditions. Just wondering if anyone else has tried this for copd, and if it helped.
dupixent for copd: recently the FDA... - Asthma Community ...
dupixent for copd
Hi Batbara, you're welcome to ask here. However, as this is the asthma forum, you may find it helpful to post in the ALUK Lung Conditions community forum: as there are likely to be a lot more people with COPD there who may be able to help.
I also notice you're in the US - I'm not sure whether Dupixent is available for COPD in the UK yet, and this is a UK forum. You might get some people who've been on it though eg in the trials, so worth asking in the lung conditions forum.
I've not heard of it over on the AsthmalungUK forum Batbara however, there are several members from the USA/ Canada & elsewhere there who may recognise it. Sorry you've not had many replies, as Lysistrata mentioned its predominately asthma here (some have add on other lung diseases hence why I'm on both forums). Plenty of folks with copd there who'll be pleased to help if they can. P