I've been taking Montelukast for about 4 months. Has been great for my Asthma with no noticeable side effects. About a month ago though, I had two days where I could barely stand up because of vertigo. The vertigo has improved to the extent that it's mostly confined to when I'm lying down and change position, either turning over in bed or getting up in the morning. Could the Montelukast be causing this? I'd be really conflicted if so, as it has worked so well for my asthma I'd hate to come off it, but this vertigo is affecting my confidence out and about and my ability to do much for long if it involves bending over. Has anyone else had these problems with Montelukast?
Vertigo and Montelukast: I've been... - Asthma Community ...
Vertigo and Montelukast

I've had no side effects frm montelukast,but I'd speak to gp or pharmacist re vertigo x
Hi. I have been taking Montelukast for several years and only recently got vertigo. I think mines is due to Long Covid though. Is it considered a side effect?
I have been on montelukast for years and am not aware of any side effects.
As previous responder said- I would be seeking medical advice re: vertigo.
Hope you get a solution soon.
Hi Regarding Montelukast, one of the news paper had an article about Montelukast and its serious side effects I didnt read it all but if I remember correctly it was mainly an issue in the younger generation that the side effects are more serious, I know this isn't much help with your vertigo but I thought as I'd read part of the article I thought I'd mention it.
I'd definitely see gp or respiratory expert in your practice. I was dx with labyrinthitis about 2005 by one gp (long before I started on montelukast) then dx with right sided vestibular disease by present (the practice's balance expert)gp in 2016. It comes and goes, nothing for months or years then bam. I do Epley Manoeuvre to shift the crystals in ear tubes. (My balance is rubbish now🙄)
Do see your GP
Agree with Peege. Sounds like Labyrinthitis, but do see GP. I stopped Montelukast after taking for years, as it was doing nothing for me at all. Labyrinthitis is caused by a virus, and I had this twice, then years later, like Peege, I woke up one morning to BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), which required vestibular rehab, so see someone sooner than later. It is not a nice thing to have! This all happened years prior to Montelukast, so I think that’s just a coincidence. Good Luck 👍