A lung irritant in schools? - Asthma Community ...

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A lung irritant in schools?

hilary39 profile image
24 Replies

Looking for any and all advice on this! :)

My son's new school has been severely triggering my asthma even just during brief drop offs and pick ups.

My usual triggers are cats, dogs, and dust. There are no animals in the school and it is quite clean.

In the past, I have had flare ups from mold so it could be that. It is also possible they are using a strong cleaning agent that is very irritating to my lungs.

Has anyone ever encountered an irritant in a public building kind of environment like a school that caused their asthma to flare that I might not be thinking of?

Thanks so much in advance for any insight you may have-

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hilary39 profile image
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24 Replies
IncognitoC profile image

could it be some kind of wild animal? Like foxes or even mice that have got into the building? Or another parent that has pets?

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to IncognitoC

Mice is an interesting thought.

I do think the kids and parents probably do bring in pet hair on their clothes but I don't think that's the issue as my son was in similar environment at a big daycare with a bunch of families the past two years and I was fine.

I don't know how to explain it but I feel like it's more of an irritant than an allergy if that makes sense. Like my lungs felt "burnt" after a week of going in and out every day.

Thanks for your input :) It's so helpful to crowdsource here from fellow people who are also triggered by seemingly harmless things.

IncognitoC profile image
IncognitoC in reply to hilary39

The burning sensation in your lungs sounds like it could be a cleaning chemical that is irritating your lungs. Does the cleaning person use things like D10 surfactant spray? Or other chemicals like that. Some places use a liquid air freshener too.

hilary39 profile image

D10 is an interesting thought, we will ask the school about that!

I'm afraid they'll think I'm nuts since a hundred people are in the space all day and feel fine.

runcyclexcski profile image
runcyclexcski in reply to hilary39

Honestly I would not bother telling them about it, they are unlikely to change anything. And even if they wanted to, it will be hard to find what it is. My previous work place, which had load of money, was very accommodating, so they ran mass-spectroscopy of the air (!), it was like a 2K test. Not much identified; the usual suspects (that are regulated by the govt, like formaldehyde) were low. Limonene (a detergent, I believe) was very prevalent, they use it in cleaning agents. So I just wore my charcoal-impregnated mask everywhere, and that's that. Eventually I found that I was getting sick next to a particular kind of (fancy Danish) furniture.

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to runcyclexcski

Oh dear. Did you wind up having to stop working there because of it?

runcyclexcski profile image
runcyclexcski in reply to hilary39

No, I worked there just fine, just wore the mask everywhere. It surely prepared me for COVID. I figured, every place will have something that sets me off, so I might as well find a way to deal with it

ReedB profile image

Hi Hilary, you're not alone. I work in a school and sometimes (rarely) they use such strong cleaning products that I can feel my lungs start to twitch. Not sure what you can do about the situation, maybe an extra puff before drop off/pick up. I've found it's often sprays they use, react in a similar way to deodorant sprays.

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to ReedB

Interesting! Yikes.

Pipsqueak77 profile image


Maybe new carpets? Or carpets replaced using some kind of glue over a summer refurb?

Carpets play havoc with my asthma…just moving old carpets sets me off!

Good Luck👍

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to Pipsqueak77

It's a good question, I think it's all linoleum but I'll check.

runcyclexcski profile image

Others bring up good points -- cleaning agent (bleach?), carpets, new furniture. I could not work in my previous work place b.c. they had fancy furniture that had some glue component (maybe). So I had to wear a charcoal-impregnated mask while at work at all times (10 years before covid struck).

Homely2 profile image

Wear a decent mask when doing the pick up.

Cherwin profile image
Cherwin in reply to Homely2

Yes I agree, protect your lungs at all costs.x

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to Cherwin

I did wear a mask twice last week and it didn't seem to help. Whatever it is is potent!

runcyclexcski profile image
runcyclexcski in reply to hilary39

Was there carbon in the mask? 3M makes "welding" masks and "nuisance odor-removal" masks.

Pippin3110 profile image

I worked next to a canteen where they used strong chlorine cleaner. Could it be that. Or I recently found that I am very allergic to limolene, which caused me skin problems and is mentioned above.

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to Pippin3110

Interesting, I have never heard of limolene. I will ask if that's what they use.

Mandevilla profile image

Air freshener?

Otherwise, I would suspect cleaning fluid. It's got so much worse recently - I think a lot of places are using stronger chemicals post Covid.

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to Mandevilla

That's true, I hadn't thought of that!

runcyclexcski profile image
runcyclexcski in reply to Mandevilla

Excellent point re: covid. Some places even used to use ozone to desinfect.

MMBJI profile image

Yup, for me I figure it’s dander transfer from the pets people have at home. My children take their uniforms off at the door when they return home and it all gets washed straight away. We wipe all bags/belongings on return to the house too.

It’s all guess work and damage limitation 🤷‍♀️

Wheezycat profile image

It is worth you reading up about indoor air pollution. Certainly cleaners can contribute to it but so can many other things. Indoor air pollution is one of the things that can be triggers for me. far more than traffic outside. Someone above mentioned a kind of mask that is seemingly particularly effective. Perhaps that is worth thinking about. Is your son’s school in a new build? Modern building materials can make it worse. Obviously there is nothing you can change about all this, but worth being aware of.

strongmouse profile image

My son developed an allergic reaction to dust mites and had to work from home (he works for a University. Another throught is that the fumes and pollution from other cars might excerbate asthma. Cars waiting while children get into or out of a car with their engines ticking over give off a lot of exhaust fumes. If that is the case the shcool may be prepared to ask parents to turn engines of as it will invisibly affect children's lungs.

Strong chemicals such as new paint, floors which have been 'polished' over the summer can all be possible culprits.

What type of heating does the school use? If there is a chimney is that giving off any type of smoke?

Hope you manage to work out what it is and find a way of managing. Having said that the best way is to avoid it if possible. If you notice it is worse some days than others, might be worth speaking to the teacher to see if there are days the caretaker / cleaners use particular chemicals. There will be children in the school with asthma and they may be able to use alternatives.

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