I just wondered if you have to pay for a spacer on prescription, or do you get it included with the inhaler if needed?
Many thanks
I just wondered if you have to pay for a spacer on prescription, or do you get it included with the inhaler if needed?
Many thanks
You can get spacers on prescription but has to be an actual prescribed item. However I purchase my own smaller spacer (which is more convenient) from Amazon. I think will be “pot luck” which spacer you will get via prescription. If you pay for prescriptions then worth looking at purchase yourself because might be cheaper that way.
It’s not always “pot luck” as to which spacer you get if you get one on prescription, but if you need a particular one (because, for example, your inhaler has a different shaped mouth piece to what is more usual) you do need to specify which type.
My spacer is prescribed separately from the inhaler. As I am in Scotland I don't pay for prescriptionsxx
I use a spacer, it is prescribed separately to the inhaler and should be replaced annually. I requested a smaller one and that’s what the Dr prescribed.
I get a new one on pescription about every 4 months 😀
You can ask your Doctor to prescribe it on the same prescription as your inhaler, and then you should pay only one prescription charge.
Mine is prescribed by my asthma nurse. Think it's supposed to be changed every 6 months. Have bought them off Amazon in the past as well.
I buy mine from the pharmacy, the price is not much different than on prescription.
I was given mine on prescription - I didn't even realise you could buy them over the counter until after as my GP didn't mention it - but I'm in Wales, so prescriptions are free. I didn't realise they were supposed to be changed regularly though - I've been using mine for 10 months now!