Hi all. I was wondering if anyone has experience of stepping down from lower dose Relvar (92/22) and am interested in what they were prescribed as an alternative please? This is complicated by the fact that my daughter ( who I’m writing on behalf) is 17 yrs old so can’t have certain meds until she’s 18. ( consultant said possibly Fostair once 18) she has a GP appointment this wk and consultant said her inhaler can be reduced if asthma under control without saying which medication cld be reduced to. He also said at last appointment that he doesn’t rate Seretide. I’ve found in the past that some GP asthma advice on inhalers is patchy (suggesting she take her seretide back when she was on it only once a day despite her asthma being uncontrolled at that point) so would like to know what other people are on please before appt. Thank you!
Relvar step down: Hi all. I was... - Asthma Community ...
Relvar step down
HiI am currently taking the higher dose Relvar and have been for quite some time. It’s great for me..
I can’t really help much with suggesting an alternative other than to say it won’t be possible to find the exact same formulation in any other inhaler form.
This is because the dual combination in Relvar is Fluticasone as furoate ( which is unusual) and vilanterol - which is also quite unusual and not found in any other asthma inhaler.
So I’m afraid I’m not much help but I guess it will be one of the other more common combination inhalers that are licensed for under 18?
Just an aside is Relvar licensed for under 18 or did your daughters cons prescribe ‘ off label’?
Sorry I’m not much help! But you could always ask your daughters cons for some advice if your GP is a bit lost!
Good Luck 😊🤞
Thanks for your reply Pipsqueak. Yes Relvar has been great for my daughter too so I’m a bit nervous about reducing it especially as , as you say, it’s an unusual one and not easy to work out equivalent dose to other inhalers. Shame there’s not a lower dose than 92/22 ! Relvar is licensed for over 12 year olds, her paediatric consultant was a big fan, she’s now with adult respiratory. Thanks again