Has anyone else had a reaction to chalk? I work in a primary school and the children were using chalk today colouring in snowmen. I walk into the classroom and had an immediately reaction. I started coughing and had to leave the room. Four puffs of ventolin put me right. I must admit I was suprised.
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Chalk and Asthma

The chalk dust, I expect, set you off. Because of my asthma, I was glad when whiteboards and pens took over from blackboards and chalk. Glad you made a rapid recovery but I bet that chalk dust hung about a while. Be careful!
I have adult onset asthma so glad I didn't have it when I was a child. Like you I grew up with chalk boards.
Yes, adult onset asthma here too. When I was a child, attending a rural village school, we had individual chalkboards to practice our spellings and similar. Moved into a bigger town at 8, and never saw them again. The individual whiteboards and pens used now remind me of them and their usefulness, though quite a gap in years between the two. I enjoyed using those small blackboards but like you, it wouldn’t have worked for me had I had asthma as a child.
I hope your asthma flare has settled, but don’t take risks, your health is worth more than anything else. I hope the chalked snowmen are finished with now! Asthma has such a habit of creeping up on us and becoming very urgent. Take great care, elanaoali 🎄
I was absolutely fine after taking some ventolin. My asthma has been rock solid for nearly 2 years now in most part thanks to the panademic. Except for a cold last month when I need a course of prednisolone. But your right it can be easy to forget you even have it until it gives you a wake up call.
Thankyou for your kind wishes.
sounds like particulate matter sets it off. Whiteboards can be problematic, too (because of solvents in the markers).
Yeah chalk is bad, chalk dust. It was all bad when I was a kid in the early 80s. Chalk boards, people smoking everywhere, asthma barely understood by anybody. I was practically living on ventolin. Whiteboards where a blessing in the late 80s and eearly 90s.