Hi everyone. Asking for other people's experience during a flare up. I'm on day 2 of pred and still no let up in my breathlessness. I've had it before and admittedly it didn't kick in until day 4 but I ended up back on it a couple of weeks later so want to be more prepared this time. It constantly feels like someone is pushing on my chest. Ventolin is helping somewhat, I do need to have 1 puff then another puff for it to do anything but it does make my chest feel better and feel as if air is getting in and out easier but am still getting the feeling of the bottom of my ribs being sucked in. Does this make sense!?! Am still learning my asthma symptoms. I don't feel in any immediate danger, just having to work harder. Is this the asthma flare up and will go once settled, what an asthma attack feels like (as I've never had a full on need hospital one so never sure what's classed as an attack) or is it something different. I've just tested negative for covid so not that. It just feels more constant and no let up. I will add I get puffed talking and tend to pause and sigh a lot at the moment. Thanks for any feedback
Advice with symptoms please - Asthma Community ...
Advice with symptoms please

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Jump to repliesI'd give the steroids more time, most people need longer for them to feel like they're helping.I'd also do 2 puffs of ventolin at a time, not 1. I think 2 puffs is the recommended dose anyway? Could be wrong as I have a different reliever. When I say 2 at once, I mean 1st puff into spacer, breathe it in and then repeat for the 2nd puff.
Yes I will do that from now. I've had 6 puffs in total in under 2 hrs and finally my ribs don't feel like they are being sucked into my chest so much. I need to get a spacer as I don't have one, will have to ask the doctor when I phone Friday. I know its a stupid question but is that what an asthma attack feels like as I've only ever seen people have asthma attacks where paramedics have been called to them so that's what I've always associated with as one. I then class myself as mild asthma as I think I've never had a sudden attack like that. I probably sound real uneducated with asthma but sometimes find it confusing. Or is it just where I'm having a flare up. Sorry to be a pest.
Different people see attacks in different ways - for example some will feel they've had "an attack" if they need 2 puffs of ventolin, whereas to me that's nowhere near an attack (because of what my asthma is like day to day).
It could well be part of the flare up, waiting for the pred to kick in properly but it's difficult to say....but the important thing is, is the ventolin helping? When you use it in such circumstances I mean - I know you said the ventolin you had did help this time. Once it feels better, it should last 4 hours. That's not to say you can't have more sooner but if you need to then you need to phone your GP/111.
It may be that taking the full dose of 2 puffs at a time will help in any case as it's then not half-treating. But it's ok to have up to 10 puffs (each inhaled separately) if it's very bad - but I think you're meant to contact your GP if you're needing such doses - and especially if that's not lasting 4 hours.
EmmaF91's post "when do I..." might be useful: healthunlocked.com/asthmauk...
I can't remember which preventer inhaler you have but if it's also an MDI (one you press), that should be used through the spacer too when you get one.
Hi I'm on Fostair 100/6 2 puffs a day, they did consider changing that last year because it wasn't enough but they put me on montelukast 10mg a day instead as mainly allergies that exacerbate everything. Also on Fexofenadine 180mg a day which isn't enough but they keep saying they can't give me more. Maybe this year they will look into everything as I have history of it from last year (& previous yrs but last year was the one I ended up on a couple seperate courses of pred). I think it either was an attack or heading that way as struggling to talk and croaky voice. The ventolin definitely helped. The sob and tight chest is still there which i think is the flare up part but the tense pulling in of the bottom of my ribs is almost gone and I can talk, bit hoarse but could be the ventolin and the big sighs have eased up too. Generally a lot better than I was. Thanks for getting back to me. They told me to phone back Friday before I finish the pred so will tell them about it then.
It sounds to me like you have a mild case of asthma. I'm not sure even that I'd call your symptoms a flare-up. Everyone describes an asthma attack differently but what you describe sounds mild to me. I would not suggest taking more than 2 puffs of your rescue inhaler unless you absolutely need it. Give it a couple minutes to work. Try and relax so you don't hyperventilate. When possible stay off oral steroids as the long term side effects can be devastating. I've been a severe asthma for years now. I'm finally off of Prednisone. Being hospitalized is a last resort. Keep learning as much about asthma as you can and listen to those with lots of years of experience, especially those who are severe asthmatics. People with asthma can live relatively normal happy lives. I am living proof. I hope you feel better soon. And try not to worry as it only makes asthma worse. Good luck!
On the is it an attack or flare up of asthma thread in your post. I too have had this sought of thought too. My doctor has explained to me that an an attack is anything that causes your airways to inflame and reduce. As twinkly29 says that impact and effects felt can vary person to person and also what has trigged the attack. Me personally I find exercise induced attacks are quick to arise and easier to get over, allergy based attacks are also quick to arise and quicker to get over - though can be more painful- but attacks that are aggravated by a virus take longer to work up and linger for longer and less easy to overcome I tend to call these flare ups. These flare ups I think are the worst, as take longer to get over.
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