Hello Asthma Friends,
I have been on some amount of prednisone from 10 mg to 30 mg over the last year. But, since the wildfires here in Oregon in August, I’ve been on 30 mg. daily. I’ve had two exacerbations (which I was turned away from the ED for because I didn’t present with wheezing or low oxygen levels- I just couldn’t breathe). My pulmonologist is having me do one day a week of 25 mg prednisone and the 1-3 days after my asthma symptoms come back. I also take all the high dose inhalers- dulera, spiriva respimat, montelukast and a biologic- Dupixent. Now I’m 3 days after the 25 mg and woke at 3 am with severe asthma cough- took albuterol and about an hour to be able to lay back down and sleep again. Worn out and don’t feel well today. Asthma cough continues. Extreme fatigue. Are others on constant steroids? Severe asthma that doesn’t present normally? We are trying to get bronchial thermoplasty approved- but insurance is a big, fat no, so far. Any ideas or similar experiences would be appreciated!! Thanks