So fellow 🦄 asthmatics need a little input/advice please. Last few days noticed things tiring me out more again 🙄 yesterday come downstairs and was really quite puffed out and had pain in chest and felt SOB. Had to concentrate on deep breathes not had to do this for maybe a month or so now. After living most of year like that now worried taking a step back after a month of being able to walk again. Pf fine 340, PB 400. Did have blue but always forget to re do pf after for reversibility. Doh. Coughing increased but not bad feeling bit like can't quite shift mucus at times not green no other pain so can't be chest infection... winter always bad and omg even felt a slight wheeze last night!!! 😱. Do you reckon I should call drs get chest listened to or do what I do best and ignore an carry on? X
⬆️SOB slight uncomfortable chest pai... - Asthma Community ...
⬆️SOB slight uncomfortable chest pain, yawning more, started to notice stairs more of an effort again

I had similar the last week, needing more relief but reversibility really good. So annoying more than anything. That worked until yesterday when was also sob and the coughing started. Enter ambo call at 1730 yesterday....! My thinking would be that most in a similar position to me might start or increase pred at the point of ongoing niggles. But I can't do that. But if that would be your first step maybe call GP or nurse and ask what they think? Especially with long weekend coming up would be good to have a discussion before Friday.
Also interesting comment from lovely paramedic (and her sidekick readily agreed) mum said I don't present normally etc and the para said "brittle asthmatics never do" which I thought was interesting. This is brittle used in the unicorn/difficult/weird/nightmare sense, not brittle in the actual meaning of fine to tubed within minutes!
Maybe they're starting to understand us a bit better....? We can only hope I hope your being listened to and you feel safe and also getting your meds... these things make a huge difference to our stay. Are you still on AMU or moved to random ward now? Are you feeling any more stable. X
Oh I'm in a special kind of hell now. Staff being ok but "elderly care" should be on a ward of their own (they usually are but things different because of covid). Don't disperse them throughout other wards. It's awful. Constant shouting and I'm sure you can imagine. Then people like us (ie not mentally lacking!) end up going home too soon because it's such a strain.
😔😔😔😔 just no words really I know exactly what you mean it's more distressing being there than home as your not getting any rest. Is it safe for you to go home? X
Not really. If more settled tomorrow I'll go anyway. And then they do the.follow up commenting on a short admission, how great etc, like last time. Yes I was sent home early because covid was overtaking everywhere again....some acknowledgement of that and the then ensuing 3 week recovery at home would be nice..! I mean I'm ok to do that but acknowledgement would be good!
It's just utter shite times I mean sometimes its safer to be in. Sometimes not, but only you can make that call I'm assuming your in a bay? I don't suppose there are any side rooms you could go in that are free? I mean of course theres no free beds or side rooms as there for infections in isolation an were in a pandemic but always worth an ask... if it means you stay an get the treatment also you feel safer. I know prob not possible but just thinking aloud. X
I've had exactly the same over the same period. Phoned my GP and got a course of Pred. It feels occasionally like a chest infection but haven't started amoxicillin as I'm not convinced. I put it down to being cooped up indoors with the drying heat from the heating, but that's just me. I've also been able to talk to my consultant and he's ok'd a course if Azithromycin if the Pred doesn't do the trick (good for my winter asthma). Don't let your symptoms get any worse - best to get on top of it early. All the best.
Yes similar with mine with how it felt at times but am sure it's not that. Weird! Often I can say well the weather changes or something but no clue this time. Perhaps our bodies are excited about Christmas or something?!
As funny as it sounds I literally thought the same excitement for xmas or twitchy due to ongoing covid national lockdown that's about to hit us! Doesn't quite feel like chest infection but just strange. The life of a unicorn! Are you ok now well you know kinda having had to call ambo? X
Several hours in resus before AMU.... then it'll be random ward roulette as resp ward is used for covid CPAP. Always a joy...! Still ITU finally decided to leave me alone so that was a bonus! The Christmas Eve discharge marathon might work in my favour though!
Yea lol ring gp today I just dont want to increase prednisolone as been coming down. But needs must sometimes lol. X
Well another positive experience on a roll today 🤣😂 gp just called actually listened and asked what I wanted to do. So abx, not to reduce prednisolone yet stick to 5mg, but can do short course rescue if needed over xmas then back to 5mg then 2.5mg. Plan a, if that doesn't work an I need it ring ooh where they will say increase pred back to 4omg plan c, hospital. I love a plan we make together 🙂. Hope you feel better soon.
HopeYou’re feeling ok x
Hi, was like this myself yesterday called doctor and they have sent me 5 days of prednisolone. I dont think I have a chest infection though. I would call them especially as they will be closed for xmas soon 😀
We will all be old one day if we are lucky enough. Also, age is no barrier to asthma. I was quite upset by your comments. “They “ are us.
Ah I really don't think twinkly meant to upset anyone she's just feeling alone, overwhelmed and exhausted with exacerbation. Your absolutely right if were lucky enough we will age and yes that could be us they all have a wonderful story to tell in their own way given time, it's not their fault. Please don't take offence it wasn't meant to upset.
I don't think twinkly meant any offence. I think twinkly is talking about patients with dementia, and although not their fault can be very demanding. I've had patients trying to get in my bed as they are confused, screaming shouting all night and sometimes violent. This is so distressing when you feel unwell and just want rest.
This can also result in poor care for other patients as patients with reduced mental capacity often take up most of the nurses time. This is why in an ideal world dementia patients usually are allocated to specific wards, however in these times it just isn't possible.
Hope you feel better twinkly and mylungshateme
Thanks melanie 1989 you explained it better than me 🙂. How are you doing? X
Thanks Melanie. Yes I understand the issues. I am a registered nurse and I have worked on a long stay ward for people with severe dementia and I appreciate the challenges this terrible illness presents. I have also been an inpatient when poorly people have been confused and distressed and I agree it is exhausting. But being a patient on any ward is exhausting. It is, as you point out, impossible to get any rest when you are in hospital in my experience. There’s always something going on, it’s busy and noisy a d there are always Bella ringing and alarms ringing a d people being admitted at all hours. There isn’t a calm and quiet place in hospitals, sadly. And I agree it doesn’t help recovery.
Only just seen this - thank you and yes spot on. Other people want to try being surrounded by that when trying to manage severe asthma issues (borderline ITU) when you haven't got your normal teams or ward available. I have done more than my fair share of supporting older people in hospital - and indeed did this time as well. I say that but actually normally all people are one in that respect and age is irrelevant - but dementia itself is another thing. Anyway, thank you Melanie1989 and mylungshateme . I know you both get it because you've been there x
hi there how are you feeling, i feel the need to comment hope it helps. iam very similar and i feel it depends on the doctor your getting who gives you the 5 days pred rescue and what there opinion is. i had to argue mine last time and felt it was really bad practice to be stressed about a rescue pack. i was told asthma can have a trigger of us being excited so was thinking maybe the xmas stress has brought your asthma on and the weather? apologies if i am wrong just trying to see what else as chest pain should not be ignored maybe its some mucus thats stuck in the lungs and needs antibiotics. gp advice always best even though thats stressful in itslef. get well soon xx
Hey yea never actually got to see a gp in person just chat over phone but we agreed doxycycline course and rescue prednisolone. Was going to do 3 days but doing 5 as from experience if its not long enough I just end up on/off different doses for months.
My pain/ache spread to back so pretty sure was start of infection. But now pred side affects full on kicked in again! You just can't win but I can cope as short course an not a year like this whole year on them. I just hope I can go back down to 5mg without issue.... just SOB so annoying taking a step back 🙄 but this is asthma 😆.
It is bad when you need to argue for a rescue pack... I normally always have rescue pack at home but where I was coming off I started my rescue pack - typical 😂🤣 should've known better hahaha hope your feeling better? X
yeah i agree 5 days isnt long enough i dont understand the doctors why thy dont see that. but just ask if you need to afterall your the one who knows you best nobody else. get well soon xxxx