Kid has corona virus: Hello, Just... - Asthma Community ...

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Kid has corona virus

Timeh profile image
20 Replies


Just feeling the need to write this stuff down... My 8 year old kid has been isolating from school for 14 days now as it closed due to a corona virus outbreak, about 4 days ago some of his friends and their parents tested positive for covid, he had a runny nose so just for peace of mind because I am clinically high risk we got him tested yesterday thinking 14 days in we're be OK and we know we are all good for Xmas, however his test has come back positive. Now I'm a total wreck, I've felt a bit achy for the last 3 days and am super worried that over them last 14 days he's given it to me. I already have an anxiety disorder over breathing and the thought that I might have caught covid off him is making me freak out beyone all levels I've experienced before and don't know how to handle my thoughts. I've got the shakes since I found out and feel sick to the pit of my stomach, first thing I did was go and also get a test, I don't know how to hold it together till I get the results 😩

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Timeh profile image
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20 Replies
Carriejen profile image

I wouldn't panic yourself too much that will make you feem worse. Many people on here have had the virus and been fine, I know people personally who have done the same. If you don't feel ill then whats the point in worrying? Hoping for a negative result for your peace of mind x

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to Carriejen

Thanks love this group, its just what a messed up freak like me needs, level headed people

Carriejen profile image
Carriejen in reply to Timeh

Just stay home, stay calm, plenty fluids, keep yourself rested 😀 enjoy this wee weird extra time you have as a family x

Carriejen profile image
Carriejen in reply to Timeh

Hey just wanted to swing by and say I hope things are going a bit better for you :) take care

JustR profile image

Try not to panic..I know easier said than done but stay positive. We just went through something very similar.

Children asked to isolate from school due to positive a case..I’m clinically vulnerable..have been shielding with the exception of children going to school.

Our children had no was

my husband in the end who tested positive but me and my children negative.

I definitely had mild symptoms and my asthma was effected but my test was negative?...and I’ll take the positive any day..if I had it I got through and if I didn’t it’s amazing I didn’t..

It was stressful and very worrying but we get through it and you will do too. Take care.

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to JustR

Glad to hear you all came out of it OK 👍

I know my brain is my own worst enemy, but I find it super difficult to control and feel like running into a brick wall and knocking myself out for some mental rest.

What is really annoying is I know ppl that don't care haven't isolated and not caught anything, even before the first lockdown I've not gone anywhere, when I've had to be at work worn a mask and rubber gloves and stayed away from everyone, the one place I guess I let my guard down is inside my house with Mrs and kid.

As I'm writing this it's like everything in life it isn't fare😩

JustR profile image
JustR in reply to Timeh

Yeah that’s exactly how I felt..I couldn’t believe we had shielded as a family for so long and then it’s in my home!..I always knew when the children went back to school that it could happen but I blocked it out or else I wouldn’t have coped!

I was a mental wreck for a few days after finding out my husband was positive because all we hear in the media is the horrible stuff..and my mind went into overdrive but all I can say is that we got through it and we’re all ok..and I’ve heard more stories that are the same which is really comforting.

Better days are to come..we’ve just got to get through the tough times first! Take care

As others say breathe & try to stay calm though it’s hard Keep yourself safe at home

Also I’d look into the supplements they are suggesting for Covid-it’s a big protocol from a uni in US (can’t remember which!) that’s standard now. Includes D & others - check it out

Eat healthy

Seriously meditate to calm your system

& if you get sick one day at a time is sll you can do

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to

Yep thanks for the support everything you all said is absolutely spot on and I totally agree with the reasoning, I've got health anxiety at the best of times so I think the only way I would stay calm and not worry would be under anaesthetic at the moment.

My partner and myself got a test after my kid tested positive, our results came back negative today which was a relief to me until I got a sore throat all down the left side and when I swallow, my partner said we probably do have it, it's just still in the incubation stage and the symptoms will come out in the following 4 - 10 days. To be fair she has moven into his room with him and I'm now trying to isolate from both of them in my house if that's even possible. Another 14 days of this even if I don't catch or already have it I'll be a broken mess.

What's worse is I'm normally quite a strong person, but when it comes to being able to breath I have an absolute phobia about it. It is quite therapeutic to write down how I'm feeling on here and talking to total strangers, things I find impossible to talk to anyone but my Mrs.

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to Timeh

It could well be that you don't have it and that your child had it asymptomatically and that the runny nose was a cold as well/alongside and that that's what you have. But try not to think about it being worse than it is at the moment, whatever it is. I know that's hard but anxiety is self perpetuating.

Itswonderful profile image
Itswonderful in reply to Timeh

As we are so close to getting a vaccine out into the community, could you conceivably socially distance inside your house for the time being? I k ow it’s hard work but it may make you feel more secure.

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to Itswonderful

Since he got tested positive I have been shielding at home away from my partner and kid, she has moved into his room on the sofa bed.

Yes the vaccine is so close to being rolled out to people like me, it was just passed for use here the other day. I still can't believe this is happening its like a bad dream.

Also I was due to be having a CT scan on my head - neck-chest-abdomon in a weeks time to try and find out what my issues are, that will now have to be also cancelled😩

I did get a good night's sleep yesterday which is unusual for me, think the stress of it all had worn me out.

sarahjane12 profile image
sarahjane12 in reply to Timeh

Hi Timeh try not to worry I’ve had corona myself and it wasn’t to bad to be honest the worse part for me was really bad headaches and my taste had gone still hasn’t come back proper but it’s getting there and no cough at all breathless now and then but that was me worrying more with my health anxiety but really wasn’t to bad vitamin c and D helps a lot but try not to worry you be fine.

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to sarahjane12

I really really hope so Sarah. I'm glad you came through it ok. What terrifies me though is the thought of having to go to hospital with it and be fighting for my breath, stuck on machines unable to see anyone I love and of course dying from it.I know this isn't definitely going to happen to me, but it's a vision that's petrified me from the very first lockdown and made me so bloody carful not to catch it. Unfortunately my kid bringing it home from school is not something I could of ever easily defended myself from.

The rational part of me agrees with you all, but as you can tell I have mental illness anxiety disorder and that makes it extremely hard to stay calm.

I'm just trying to get through one day at a time at the moment.

sarahjane12 profile image
sarahjane12 in reply to Timeh

Awwww you will be fine my daughter had it same time as me we think she bought it home to us as my husband had it 2 only my son never got it who is 12 but I got medication of my doctors to help with my anxiety and I don’t worry as much now hopefully it’s all over with soon as this vaccine will help a lot of people.

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to sarahjane12

Yes hopefully the vaccine will help alot of people. It would be great if it helped the world get back to normal.

I was really hoping to get the vaccine and avoid getting Covid till its release. I'm praying with every fibre in my body that I've somehow avoided catching it off my 8 year old boy and can still do that. I've got to make it till the 18th December to know I'm safe, so still a long way to go yet, but I'm hoping for the best.

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to sarahjane12

Just out of interest what did the Doctor prescribe you for anxiety?Definitely think I could do with something!

sarahjane12 profile image
sarahjane12 in reply to Timeh

Hi Timeh he put me on floxitine only a low dose 20mg and there definitely working.

Jollygood profile image

Hi timeh, I just wondered how you are feeling now? Hope you’re ok.

Timeh profile image
Timeh in reply to Jollygood

Hi Jolly good, thanks for asking on my wellbeing.Not gonna lie It's been a long few days, some better than others when I've kept busy it's been better. My smell seems to have changed today which can be an early sign of covid19 apparently. Apart from that so far physically I feel OK. Ive booked a coronavirus test for tomorrow because of my weird smells, but mainly because I have. Ct scan on my neck and chest booked for Monday and if I have the virus I would hate to pass it onto anyone of the medical staff.

Fingers crossed the test comes back negative and I can have my CT scans and then bloody enjoy Xmas hopefully have a good one🤞🤞🤞🤞

This forum has been a great place to unburden and after all this crap I'm going through I'm going to try and help others on here myself. A few kind words go a long way when your feeling low.

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