Hi, I received a letter during first lockdown, albeit quite late, to say I should shield however not during current one. My office became not covid safe so I had to contact occ health as GP couldn’t give advice and the GP via occ health deemed me CEV but I didn’t receive anything official from government (didn’t receive letter at end of first shielding either from Matt Hancock)
Did every CEV person receive a shield... - Asthma Community ...
Did every CEV person receive a shielding letter during lockdown?

If the occupational health doctor has put you in the CEV category then your employer will make reasonable adjustments to the workplace or allow you to work from home. CEV folk should continue to work from home, if at all possible, even after this current lockdown ends on 2 Dec. gov.uk/government/publicati... own GP can update your status to CEV on your digitised records if you share the occupational health doctor's report. That may, or may not, trigger the CEV letter. But at least your NHS records will be brought up to date. This may give you early access to the vaccine.
Thanks, I've updated GP. Occ Health has now put me working from home until March 2021 as per their recommendations due to working in a hospital
I’m so glad that you’ll be able to stay safe! My union has just persuaded my school to furlough me until the end of March as they had refused to make adjustments.
I did. I’m retired so didn’t really affect me except not supposed to go in shops including pharmacies. Could go for walks which I did through the first one so no difference.