Hi I have just joined this Asthma forum, hope all are well. Just wondering if anybody has any advice please. Apologies if it’s a silly question😊. I have had breathlessness especially on exertion for a few months now, possibly post Covid symptoms from May. (I got a tight chest now and then before that as well but not as bad). Not a diagnosis as yet.
Gp has given me a peak flow meter to use before our consultation, I believe I am fine with the instructions for using them.
I am regularly blowing about 370 - 390 so I think this may be my best usual. But, I have done about 400 a few times before but there’s some saliva/spit (sorry) and leads me to cough when I’ve reached this amount.
I’m wondering if that’s what the gp wants when he wants my peak flow as that gets a better reading (but makes me feel a bit yuk)?
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.
I am female 36, LeiLey x