Having trouble getting a proper breath this week quite a lot. Just not a deep enough one to get a whole good one. Anyone else been struggling?
Tricky breathing week: Having trouble... - Asthma Community ...
Tricky breathing week
Yep, I’m struggling. I’m linking it to the pollen that’s going around at the moment. This had been going on for a good few weeks now. I’ve pretty much got a constant quiet wheeze and chest tightness. I upped my preventer two weeks ago and felt much better. Went back to my regular dose and my PF is gradually dropping each day.
I woke during the week coughing which isn’t a good sign. I don’t think I’m sleeping well as I’m quite fatigued. Doing a PF reading is hard work and I just want to sleep but the breathing is making it difficult.
I’ve just taken my blue (2nd time today) which has pushed me back up into green. Going to have to up the preventer again as it’s just getting worse.
Sounds like you maybe need to increase the preventer again and then leave it there. I know you don't want to take increased meds (that's fair enough, none of us do ....but if you need them, you need them) but your body has had a lot of changes with meds in the last few weeks/months with decreases and increases and if probably needs time to just be ok.
Hi JC I never gave the pollen much thought but I've been up and down too. Really bad day yesterday. Slept on and off difficult to keep PF up. Today I'm maintaining a better green longer after meds and not as tired.
Hope you improve soon.
Thanks BB. I’ve actually felt better today too, not as wheezy. PF is still on the low side though and I’m making this growling sound like the start of a chesty cough when I blow into the peak flow. I’ll be ok though🙂
Hope the cough doesn't amount to anything.
Oh no! Sorry you’re both struggling too! I didn’t give the pollen count much thought either.
I haven’t checked my PF....stupid! I often think th days I can’t breathe my PF seems better...which never helps!!!! It’s generally about 330/350 , then seems to go up to 400 once in a blue moon when I can’t breathe! 😂😂😂
Really hope the cough isn’t due to chest infection Junglechicken!
Isn’t it mad how much more tired we get...just for the sake of breathing!
Hi madonbrew. Thank you for your concern. Just checked PF this morning and it’s not bad, although I’ve been wheezing. I usually take my PF before my Seretide but forgot this morning so a better PF could be the result of that medication. Strange isn’t it that sometimes you feel terrible but have good PF and vice versa. Happens to me more often than not but I know we’re not alone, it happens to many sufferers. At my worse I’ve actually been in the green. I’ve eased the wheeze with blue but I still feel a little uncomfortable.
Can’t blame pollen today though😔.
Seeing the asthma nurse at surgery on Monday because I still can’t get a decent breath!!! Thinking it might be another round of steroids. Needed my ventilin lots today but think I’ll be ok til Monday. Will call 111 or 999 if I need to but hopefully I’ll be fine ok enough until Monday!!!