Hi Have any of you had any problems with the operator when ringing 111? Last Friday my breathing was so bad I rang 111. The woman asked if I had any pain in my back and was it at the top or bottom? I replied it was all the way down. She said that is not what I asked so I repeated it was at the top and the bottom. She then said "Is it the top or bottom?" I could hardly breathe and was getting exasperated and breathing worse so I said put the top then. She then told me not to raise my voice to her and not to be rude, I said I can hardly breathe. She then said she would send an ambulance and I said I don't need one and was going to continue to say my husband will take me. She cut me off and said abruptly "stop I haven't finished the question". She then asked if I had anyone to take me. I was really upset by her tone which made me more breathless and I could hardly manage as it was. I know they have a script to read from but a bit of sensitivity for those that can't breathe should come with the job. Think some retraining is necessary for some and the script should be adapted. On a previous call when I was told they would send an ambulance, I told the operator my husband would take me and the operator was fine. Really upset me.
111 Complaints: Hi Have any of you had... - Asthma Community ...
111 Complaints

Sorry you had a horrible experience, it really is the last thing you need when unwell.
I had an awful phone call a few weeks when i was having an asthma attack. My daughter had covid symptoms and the clinician told me it was almost certainly covid and said he could prescribe antibiotics over the phone. When i said i don't think its covid he said well go to covid A n e then. He also told me it was pointless taking steroids as they take two days to work even though my g.p told me during an attack they take 6 hours. He also told me to drive myself to A n E. I went to hospital and was admitted for a life threatening asthma attack.
I made a complaint against 111 however they said the clinician was correct in directing me to A n E and just completly ignored the fact he tried to just give antibiotics.
Hope your feeling better and it hasn't put you off seeking help
It's horrible having experiences like that when well, never mind when you're unwell. With the steroids, I've also been told (by a specialist) that they take about that long to kick in (including a lengthy explanation of how they work internally). I assume they start working before that though. But same specialist said they should still be given as soon as possible because, in asthma, the damping down of inflammation will usually take a few days and you want them on board so they get to work and then continue to work.
For anyone with breathing difficulties though, I wouldn't even bother with 111. I'd call 999 or just go to A&E. That's where they're likely to send you anyway
The previous time I just went to A&E which was closed to walk-ins, notice saying go to Urgent Medical Care which was a few yards away but did get seen quickly, but this time thought I would ring 111 as UMC had a video type thing saying if you had an appointment you would be seen first. Take care. Hope you are ok at moment.
111is not staffed by clinicians but by people with a kind of flow chart to follow, it seems to me. I have also had them ask the wrong questions so I have said in exasperated tones 'I am not having a heart attack!' It is a service which needs a serious overhaul. If you don't fit the script they send an ambulance anyway. No doubt, those who do fit the script get excellent advice, but now I just keep asking to speak to a doctor.