FYI you might find this link of interest and help in view of the current news
Corona Virus: FYI you might find this... - Asthma Community ...
Corona Virus

I'm keeping away from family and people. Late last year winter my granddaughter had a cold came to my house and like everything I got the flu and fever from her. For 4 days lay in bed didn't eat or shower thought I was dead. My husband didn't know what to do. Call the doctor or not. Add to the problem I have no thyroid gland and very asthmatic. It took a long time to recover. So now any family with the flu are not allowed to come near me.
Hi thyroidx , I know the feeling my son has asthma and I suffer with Fibromyalgia. What I want to say is that since October last year since March he got a cold or flue 4 times staying at home sleepless nights and every time I got it from him after he got better then was very hard to get well.
Good if you can stay away from family you need to take care of you self.
Me and my son can't realy self isolate because my husband is working in driving industrie and he will need to deliver goods to shops. All I could do is not to send my son to school and then keep cleaning very well the touching point, my house and our hands.
Hope you are fine. If you need someone to talk I'm here 🙂
Thank you so much. My daughter and her husband with 2 little girls are moving in with us to save money for a mortgage. I'm dreading it. Don't know if I can manage getting colds from the children
I guess will be landing in hospital more often. Take care. Love to your family
Hi I’ve just read asthma sufferers are a part of the vulnerable group here in the uk as per guidance. I have had asthma since I was an infant and last year on and off for 3 months I had a cold/flu which affected my asthma in a bad way. First lots of steroids didn’t little to help, second lot didn’t seem to help either as they should have but I gradually got better. I’m very nervous about catching covid-19 because I know how a simple cold can affect my chest. I am self isolating for 14 days - you don’t think it’s an over reaction?
Also my baby and toddler have a have to self isolate for that too.
Hi Hermias, thank you for your message, our blog is giving all the latest COVID-19 info for people with asthma, it is updated regularly so keep checking it.