I had a really tough time last winter,my first one since I got asthma.Any tips to make winter easier ?
Any tips for winter ?: I had a really... - Asthma Community ...
Any tips for winter ?

Keep warm and cover your mouth when out (discovered buffs last year and they are great for this). Be sensible, try and stay away from people with colds (and other triggers etc). Get your flu jab if you’re eligible (ie not in the ‘not allowed’ group.
Wash your hands thoroughly. Sing happy birthday X2. Keep our althetes from 2012 Olympics healthy.
I stayed warm,stayed indoors and away from people with colds last winter.However,the fall in temperature during Dec and Jan frequently made breathing very difficult,in the evenings,almost choking me.Now I'm on steroid tablets,as a last resort,but worried about winter.
It’s a management thing for me (hopefully less so this year). I know I will get issues but if I can stay out of hosp with the majority of them I’m happy. Last year 2 chest infections (bacterial then viral) from Christmas Eve til new year, and 2/3 hosp trips (to avoid admission even tho should have been - there was a bed shortage). Some things tho I just give myself extra time for and allowances (ie take vent before leaving house, leave extra early so can deal if issues on the way etc etc). I’ll also work out if something is ‘worth’ it (ie going to see friends I see regularly I may miss, but seeing people I’m close to but don’t get to see often I’ll try and get too and deal if I have too). I just try to stay cheerful and optimistic... if it happens it happens but I’ve done what I can to prevent whilst still having a good QoL...
Dont go out in wind, cover mouth and throat, do breathing exercises. At home keep throat and chest covered. And if you get mucus start using acetilcisteina, Up 1 dose of inhaler.
I do this from september till may but i live in a warm climate. Xx
It's all good advice here, but you mustn't shut yourself away altogether or you'll die of misery! You can exercise indoors and invite friends round. Keep busy. See if you can drive or get a lift to places where you need to be outdoors for the journey: in my experience, people do like to help. The house does need to be aired, in spite of the cold, but you can manage this, I'm sure. Don't worry - think of how you can cope. Worry makes it all much worse. I know it's hard to think positively, but it really will help. Good luck!
Don't allow anything to compromise your air quality. Things that will do this:
Animal dander etc.
The biggest problems with winter are mold, bacteria and virus. Those cohabitate together in a water intrusion event in homes and workplace. These are very common, these are deadly and they will mess asthmatics up. Avoidance is your only option. So don't have low levels of mold everywhere by allowing carpets and dust, mold bacteria and virus are smaller particles and are found on dust particles. Use accelerated drying techniques in bathrooms to avoid mold entirely and also the ensuing chemical cleanup exposure if you don't. Crack windows, don't allow condensation, if it happens, dry it with a towel. Mold in window sills means you open later and it dries out and the spores or seeds travel all throughout seeding everything and humidity keeps it fed, it's already landed on fresh substrate for food source.
Cambridge or Vogmask if forced to be somewhere not great and trying to minimise the problem.