I am newly pregnant (6 weeks) and I'm really nervous my asthma is going to effect my baby oxygen and health! Any advice?
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Asthma and pregnancy

I don't have any experience in this but the NHS and AUK web pages have some really good advice on things to look out for symptom wise etc and the extra plans you might need to make:
I have severe asthma and was nervous about this too. I had two attacks during pregnancy that required hospital treatment. They were very good at monitoring baby as well as me and said as long as my oxygen levels were okay then the baby would be fine. So I was on oxygen when I had the attacks but other than that was fine. Only thing was I went in to early labour at 36 weeks. They say that can happen when on long term pred which I was... Baby was fine though! Just required a few days extra care! All the best!

Awww thank you that is comforting! i have un controllable asthma and I'm really nervous I'm going ti loose my baby because of low oxygen levels.

Hi there! I know you posted this awhile ago but I’m just seeing it now. This was helpful for me to read as my asthma is really flaring up so thank you 9 months later!!
I’m on week 14 of pregnancy and the last 4 weeks my asthma has been awful. First my in-laws installed a raw teak headboard in their guest room that was a potent irritant for my lungs and kicked up my asthma and then our next door neighbors with a cat moved out and frustratingly put all of their stuff in our hallway and didn’t put any of it in boxes and I’m deathly allergic to cats so that kicked off a really bad attack I’m still in. I’ve been on prednisone so I was relieved to see you took it throughout your pregnancy without incident.
I had covid right before I got pregnant (the whole thing was a surprise, we had thought I was having fertility issues) so my poor lungs have been through the ringer these past few months.
I’m so hoping they calm down soon. But in the meantime while I struggle, it was helpful to read about your attacks and that you had a healthy baby at the end of it all.
Hope your family is doing well and staying safe and healthy.
Firstly, congratulations!! But sorry to hear your asthma is flaring at the moment! Sounds like there's been lots causing the flares but hopefully now it'll start to settle. If not, as I said, the hospital were always great and really put my mind at ease. So if you do need them, don't delay getting help! Happy to answer any other questions you have or if you just want to chat! All the best!! 😀

Thanks so much! That means a lot to me as I'm feeling alone in feeling so awful in my asthma flare while worrying about this vulnerable little baby.
A question for you: were you on prednisone for a lot of the pregnancy?
Thanks again for your kind words!
I was on maintenance pred so was on 10mg throughout, increasing to 40 during flares. I got on really well with my GP and asthma nurse and they were really helpful as I worried a lot too! Have you got a good relationship with your AN?
I was actually better when I was pregnant (twice). Everyone is different though. Some find that their symptoms improve and some find that they get worse. Just keep up with your meds and if you get bad, go to your GP or A&E as necessary. You should be okay. Talk to your midwife if you are concerned. Congratulations and I hope everything goes smoothly. My biggest problem was morning sickness so I hope you manage to get by without too many problems. x
I’ve already got morning sickness and it’s horrible but it’s all worth it in the end I can’t wait to see my little bubba!!
Talk to your gp. I have 3 healthy children and I had to take antibiotics during all pregnancies. They choose which ones you can habe depending on your stage of pregnancy. In general try get lots of rest as your body has extra demands with pregnancy. It will be worth it. I missed so much TV while pregnant as I figured I needed to rest more than I needed to watch tv. It will help you stay as healthy as you can. Follow docs advice and take the medication as per your doctors advice.
First, congratulations!!
If you’re really worried about the asthma, get a pulse oximeter. Our oxygen levels vary quite normally between 92 and 98-99 throughout the day so don’t panic over small differences.
Do get in touch with whoever manages your asthma. Late in the pregnancy, the baby might limit how much air you can get in. Get guidelines from your doctor.
Some women’s asthma gets worse while pregnant. Others improve. Fingers crossed that you’re an “improver!”
Awww thank you I have a appointment with my nurse to talk about my concerns x
Emma how did you do with the rest of your pregnancy if you don’t mind my asking? I’m on week 13 and came on here with similar concerns and found this post-