I’m on Forstair 200/6. Having muscle cramps and muscle pain all around my ribs. Seeing GP on Tuesday and hoping he will take me off Forstair. My question is for those of you that were taken off Forstair for muscle cramps what did your GP put you on?
Forstair: I’m on Forstair 200/6. Having... - Asthma Community ...

Hi old and grey , I did used to get the cramps on Fostair, and also other side effects too : I’m now on Airflusal 25/250 : (seritide based) , and I’m so much better xxxx but there are a lot to choose from xx
hi, i too was on Foster 200/6 which kept my symptoms well under control but I too had to come off because of joint pain & muscle spasm, it was amazing how quickly the pain disappeared once I stopped, my GP said it was the LABA part of the duo which caused it...I have suffered a huge flare since stopping and have now been put on Seretide 250 purple inhaler, it apparently has a different LABA from some of the others suggested on here, I phoned the UK asthma nurse line & the lady I spoke to suggested this as an alternative to Foster, I am only a week into using it but so far no pain or cramps so hopefully it will do the job...I would advise you to phone Asthma UK nurse line in the morning if you haven't done so, they take time to listen & give really good advice...I felt they know their stuff! Good Luck Oldandgray ( I know the feeling!)
Have appt with GP Tuesday so will see what he says. I hope he changes the Forstair. A shame really as this is the first time in eight months that my asthma has been almost stable!
Hi. The GP stopped the Forstair on Tuesday and today, Friday I have been quite unstable with low blood oxygen, trembles and dizziness. Luckily my doctor was the triage doctor today so I managed to see him and I’m on Seretide now. Hope it works as well for me as it seems to have done for you.
Glad you got sorted, yes, I think the Seretide is kicking in now but I am still having trouble from the chest infection with my breathing, over two weeks now & totally disturbed sleep...I have just had some hot, brandy toddy which seems to have eased up the cough so hoping to sleep better tonight, all we want is a little normality! Good Luck!
I’ve had the cramps too but I get them in my feet which is extra painful as I already have problems with my feet. It helps reduce the cramps a lot by having a banana a day. The cramps are caused by potassium levels dropping and bananas bring them back up again. Worth giving a go for a few days before changing inhalers.
GP took me off Forstair but has not given anything to replace it. He wants to see how well I do with my prescription antihistamine and my reliever. My cough variant asthma is caused by allergies according to GP. WE SHALL SEE.
I take terrible cramps with Forstair even in places I didn’t know I had muscles lol I’ve been on a few different inhalers and am currently on relvar which has been the first inhaler to actually help my symptoms x