I’m starting resilamab next week, anybody on this, any side affects ?
Resilamab: I’m starting resilamab next... - Asthma Community ...
Good luck!
Not on it myself - I’m on the waiting list for benralizumab - however I heard a lot of good feedback about it from others. Less side effects than mepo but just as effective (or better 🤞🏻)
How come u not trying resiilamqb
Not sure really. RBH were swinging between the 2 but decided on benralizumab (possibly cause my veins are shocking and cannalas give me blisters). Now I’m under Addenbrookes and been told I’ll be getting Ben when they get the licence for it... in May 😒
Hi. Im not on it yet. But im on the waiting list for it after having some terrible side effects with the mepo. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Hi there
Wishing you all the best. I’ve been in Mepo for the past five months and for the first three had really bad joint pain so much so I could t sleep on either of my sides as my shoulders were so bad. However I stayed with it and my asthma is so much better and my eosinophils ha e come right down. Side effects almost gone now. Here’s hoping the resilamab works for you I’ve not heard any negative comments about it 😊
I was mep too and had same joint pains , since stopping after 7 injections pains have stopped except shoulders which have been diagnosed frozen shoulders after mri