Does anyone know where I can find the above chart in UK ranges? The last reading I had from the nurse was 387 up from 340, which is peculiar as I was wheezing like bagpipes at the time.
Normal lung capacity chart. - Asthma Community ...
Normal lung capacity chart.

If by lung capacity you mean average PF there’s the chart:
A lot of things can affect PF max (age, gender, height, weight, chest size, technique, previous musical/sports background etc etc) so always try to work off your best not the average! My best is 630, the national average is 440ish!
Hope that helps x
Yes it is helpful to record it over several days three times a day. My best these days is just over 400 / 420, average 350 worst 120. (I'm just over five foot tall and 66 years old!) It is about what your individual norm is. Mine improved when I was first put on a regular long acting inhaler and went up to 480. It is important to be on the right medication and dose.
I am female 5 foot 7 and in my 60's. The best I can do is 350 which the nurse always says is fine. x
I’m 5.7 and in my 50’s and my nurse said 450 but as I work with my trigger it’s usually just above 400 which is ok but if it drops to 380 I know it and have to start my rescue pack of pred x
Agree with the above about tracking peak flow over time. Average for a person my age, gender, etc is about 350 but mine highest is 650. I am ill at the moment so it's been between 450-500. However, I have had attacks before where my peak flow has been higher. For some people, peak flow is a good indicator, for others, it doesn't always help. Best thing to do is track it to see if you can see any patterns.
I agree with Emmasue PF for some people is nor always helpful. I have felt really bad when my PF is ok. It can be hard if PF is ok as it can seem medical people focus on this and if its normal they assume you are ok.
When I was diagnosed (1990) with asthma it was after a month of peak flow readings 3x a day. Taking peak flow can be helpful especially if you get peak and trough regularly as can indicate not well controlled but wouldn't recommend do regularly.
I saw a respiratory nurse before Christmas and she changed my inhaler and gave me a new Asthma management plan. We went on my best at last February asthma review which was 420/430.
On the back of plan it has a table - column 1 best PF reading, column 2 80-100% green, column 3 60-80% white/cream, column 4 40-60% (orange) and column 5 under 40% (red).
BUT and I stress that the nurse and plan makes it clear that it is pf OR symptoms.
Green for me is 340-over 400
The cream/white/yellow zone for me is PF 255 to 340 OR Cough/Wheeze/Tight chest/Short of breath.
Orange for me pf 170-255 OR cough/wheeze/tight chest/short of breath waking at night and struggling with usual activities
Red for me under 170 OR increasing cough/increasing wheeze/increasing shortness of breath/ tight chest/ waking at night and unable to do usual activities, difficulty walking/talking.
For me I have had orange and red symptoms with pf in green zone