Hi to you all from Tasmania, Australia 😁 late last year after being in hospital twice for 12 days for the 1st time and a week the second time I was diagnosed with COPD & Asthma. I was told by an Aboriginal Elder to use a herb by the name of Herb Robert...it's a weed! Anyway, girlfriends of mine dried some for me which I have been infusing in a standard cup of boiling water. I went on line a couple of days ago to see what they had to say about it, they suggested drinking 3 cups per day. I originally started taking it about 2 weeks ago & increased it to the 3 cups only 3 days ago. I cant tell you how much better I am feeling, I mowed lawns yesterday & today, my fitness level is unbelievable, I have not been able to do any thing like this for at least 3 years. What an amazing healing plant & it is natural! I truly wanted to die last week & I really mean this as I felt life was not worth living as I have been so sick for so long. I truly urge you to investigate it for yourselves. my love to you all & a Healthy 2019, love Robby (female) Namaste...we are all one
COPD & ASTHMA: Hi to you all from... - Asthma Community ...

Never heard if it. Would be s bit hesitant in using it
If you have a look on line it will tell you the amazing benefits...I continue using it 3 times a day, it certainly has helped me
I see they sell it on line, I am growing my own that way I know it hasn't been sprayed by any nasties. sometimes you need to jump in & see what works.
I have just completed a beautiful whole lot of chores and more mowing! 😁
Thumbs up for Robert! [a weed is a plant in the 'wrong' place!] I love that you've found some energy.
That's great! I also noticed it comes under a few more names throughout. They suggest you grpw it in shady places & in a number of spots around your property so you always have it on hand
Unfortunately the cutting my girlfriends gave me I left out side my fenced in vegetable garden...throughout the evening the wallabies ate it!! I am getting another cutting on Friday, this time I will make sure it is enclosed, I believe it takes a while to dry, so patience is required. 😁 I would love to hear back from those that use it, don't forget you can buy it on line already to go. I have my 1st cuppa before I have breakfast
Hopefully you all have water without fluoride. I have tank water hear especially for drinking, I live on a rural property. We also have reticulated water with fluoride but only use it for washing etc.
I read that you can eat it raw tho' an acquired taste, and add the flowers to salad. Can't find flowers [winter] but plenty of self-set plants in my neglected plant pots. Different counties have the dreaded water poison - spared where I am in the Midlands but use bottled water anyway [tastes and smells evil when boiled, my filter wasn't coping with it]. Feeling bad about the bottles...
Well done to you, its a blessing that you already have it growing, the Universe is looking after you (smiling with you) yes the Fluoride is a real issue, are you aware that it calcifies pur pineal gland? also, alot of the bottled water is fluoridated and they don't tell you.
Wishing you Good health & Happiness! Namaste