I've only ever had one asthma attack before my latest string of attacks and I bounced back quickly from that one. I just don't understand. One minute my asthma is under control and the next I'm in A&E on oxygen. I'm in my third week now (had other minor attacks since) and on my preventer (Fostair) 6 times a day and reliever 4 times a day. I'm not sure my preventer is even working anymore. They said it was an infection but I have no other symptoms and my chest xray was clear. The only thing I'm coughing up is clear and frothy (sorry for the detail). So I'm back at the GP tomorrow to request a swab test and maybe another preventer inhaler? Am I being impatient or do you think I'm right to question this? Trying to stay positive but scared I will have another one when I'm alone with the kids.
Asthma not settling after attack... - Asthma Community ...
Asthma not settling after attack...

You are not being impatient at all, it’s awful when you are having a bad run of it but it can take a while to get things settled sometimes. I am in the same situation as you (but not for the first time) but I can guarantee it will get sorted eventually.
Are you seeing an asthma nurse or a doctor?
It is very hard to be patient when all around you life is moving on so quickly and you're struggling just to keep going, but really patience is your best hope right now. You have to give yourself time to get better and get your family to fuss you a bit so you can give in to being looked after instead of looking after everyone else. Ask for help if you can - people are very willing to give it.
No. You have to question it or you won’t find the answer. But some viral infections are just incredibly stubborn. As long as there’s one anywhere in your respiratory system it’s likely to aggravate the asthma. 😟
Thanks. I feel terrible today despite being back on the steroids again. Just don't feel like this is going to end!
hello please research magnesium deficiency and symptoms of magnesium deficiency
I've just seen you post as i'm making a slowly recovery after asthma reared its ugly head. It can take weeks to settle after an attack. Try not to push yourself. It's so frustrating not being able to do the simplest of things but this is temporary. I hope you are feeling better now.
Thank you for your reply. It's really reassuring. I'm 7 weeks on and still recovering. Got a gastroscopy tomorrow as they think reflux has a part to play. I will get there!