Hi. Can anyone suggest something that could help me sleep but not effect my asthma? Really struggling at the moment.
Help with sleep: Hi. Can anyone suggest... - Asthma Community ...
Help with sleep

It probably depends on why you’re not sleeping...
asthma - raise the head of the bed and see GPas uncontrolled
Stress - St. John wart (so long as you’re not on any contraindicating drugs), mindfulness/meditation before bed
Insomnia - work out why - is it medical, stress, or just you? A structured bedtime routine (childish but I know it can help)
Alternatively you could try a cranial osteopath - they (we 😜) do a lot of work with sleeplessness, and disturbed sleep
Hope that helps x
I’ve been sat here reading since about 4.15am trying to get back to sleep, so if anyone comes up with anything I’ll also be grateful!
Me too, I just can't sleep. One time I was prescribed sleeping pills, I actually got the pills and took them home but never took any as the whole idea of being put to sleep worries me. I do try various herbal teas but haven't found anything spectacular yet.
I have the same issue as I feel like I can’t catch my breath and have been trying a few things.
If you sleep with raised pillows, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees that really works.
Breathing exercises before bed and a warm drink does too.
Also Olbas oil on a tissues tucked into your pillow is soothing. A humidifier can help keep the air moist in the room. I also sometimes sleep with a hot water bottle to support my neck as I’ve fouund that if my breathing muscles are warm I can breath better.
If you’re on steroid tablets that can keep you awake so it’s best to take them in the morning.
Hope that helps? Let me know how you get on and what works.
Hi Atom1 I have never slept through the night. My average BSA (before Severe Asthma) was only 4 hours so now that I am asthmatic I sleep for about 1 hour at a time and then wake up. This is the pattern for a few hours and then I usually get up at 04:30 ish. I occasionally take one 5mg tablet Amitriptyline and this allows me to go to sleep for a few hours which is better than the usual. I was very reluctant to take this at first (side effects) but eventually I was so exhausted I would have tried anything 🤦🏽♀️. I believe that one tablet taken very occasionally is not addictive or harmful but obviously this is my experience/opinion. Usual suggestions have been no caffeine after late afternoon, hot milk before bed, no tech/tv whilst in bed, no alcohol, spicy food but I find they do not work but that’s just me. I have also tried the natural remedies, St Johns Wort, Nytol etc and they did not work either. Your mind will be very active trying to process and solve your issues and come to terms with your condition and this is not conducive to sleep. I suggest you try Yin Yoga. I can fall asleep easier when I have practiced. Yin particularly is so relaxing and allows you time to empty your mind and relax. Hope this helps. My thoughts are with you x
Thank you.
I got to that point last year. Try herbal nytol or equivalent, it worked for me.
Is that tablets. I'll have a look.
My go-to aid is Benadryl.
Atom1. I just went through a horrible period of not sleeping. Combination of a lot of things. I was sleeping a couple of hours and wakening up and then going off for another hour and then up again and maybe not getting back to sleep after 5am. It’s the most horrible thing lying in bed for 2/3 hours waiting for the rest of the world to start. What I did to break the cycle was to take a sleeping tablet for a couple of weeks. I basically would try and get to sleep then if I couldn’t I’d take half a tablet, then if I woke up take a quarter to get me back to sleep and so on. By the end of a week or so I had added the 2 hours to 1 hour and so on. Eventually I got back to sleeping 6/7 hours which is my normal. Still struggling to get my asthma under control but I am starting to think it’s related to Gerd. Test this Friday for reflux.
Thanks. Hope you get the results your looking for and feel better soon.
I bought an anti snore/breathe pillow and I now consider it my magic pillow. I used to keep waking up and thought it was external noise but now I think it was me snoring or grunting. This pillow helps you to breathe well and not snore. It came as a two pack and is a well known brand.
A brandy or a small glass of red wine usually does the trick! Good luck!
This may not be relevant to you, but I had bad insomnia for a long time. One day I realised that my sleeping problems really only started when I began taking Seretide. Now I have started taking it in the morning instead of nighttime and I sleep a lot better. My GP never mentioned Seretide could be a problem for my insomnia, but I did look it up and Insomnia was listed as one of the RARE side effects. As I said it may not relate to you, but something to consider.