Just came across this Update that those with an interest in Biological Treatments for Eosinophilic Asthma might well be interested in.
Biologics for Eosinophyllic Asthma (U... - Asthma Community ...
Biologics for Eosinophyllic Asthma (Update)

Mmm well mepo reslizumab haven't worked for me so maybe benrilizumab will.....
Thank you Matman. Mepo worked for me but at least there are 5 other choices for those that it hasn’t worked for. Enjoy your day 😄
Thanks very much Matman. I currently have a fight on my hands to get treated with one of the new biological treatments, namely Mepolizumab as I hav e severe refractory eosinophilic asthma and have written documentation from my GP that I have had in excess of 8-10 acute exacerbations requiring treatment with high dose corticosteroids this year.
We have tried and other medical professionals are backing us for me to be given this treatment (which btw I was promised whilst they were awaiting approval from NICE😕😕). Over 2.5 years later and I am still waiting ....unfortunately it can only be prescribed by this particular difficult asthma clinic and therin lies my problem.
It’s massively reassuring to read and hear that so ma y people with SREA have had their lives transformed by these new treatments.
Thank you again 👍
Have you considered asking your GP to refer you to a different (but Specialist) Asthma Clinic capable of supporting your need for a Biological. Possibly you could say you have lost confidence in your current clinic and need to be treated elsewhere?
I am just diagnosed with eosinophilic asthma...also have NTM so need to be on meds...will have to carefully watch interaction between NTM meds and Churg Strauss treatment. Originally diagnosed with aspergillosis but sputum neg. now NTM which I have had and treated for 20 years...now my bone scan shows osteoporosis in my lower arms and mild osteopenia in hip and spine...all from being up and down on steriods the past year. Off steriods soon (been down to 5 mg. for 3 weeks) and back on symbicort and nebulizer. Breathing good...asthma controlled but Prednisone has affected my bones as well as leaving me susceptible to other bacteria in my lungs. I know the treatment for this type of asthma is steriod use but I no longer will allow any physician to do a wait and see if it is this or that. I may have to stay on 5mg. ...that I can do.
Its not for everyone, as both symptom severity and general fitness levels vary, but I’m convinced that any improvement in physical activity (not necessarily strenuous ‘exercise’) is one of the best ways forward, providing it has the blessing of one’s medical advisors.
My conditions include both eosinophilic Asthma and borederline osteopenia. For some years I’ve walked (at a fair pace) about four and a half miles 3 / 4 days a week, but have recently increased to 5 / 6 Days, and started to do it with a weighted rucksack (about one tenth my body weight). My Consultant said I needed to do some weight bearing activity for the Osteopenia so the weighted rucksack is what I’ve chosen.
Also, told to drink pint of milk daily, eat a matchbox size lump of cheese daily, and maybe eat a daily yogurt too. I’m doing all that stuff but it’s raising my cholesterol (which I’ve been taken Statins for, for years). So now added Plant Sterol Tabs to my other Vitamins.
Must say, walking with a one and a half stone rucksack 5+ times a week seems to be helping my asthma too, or perhaps I’m just good at dodging infections at present.
I’m also on a liquid form of vit d3, plus Vit K2 Caps, Cod Liver Oil Caps, CoQ10 Caps and Zink Pills, but only take the d3 and k2 daily, all the other stuff including the plant sterols, I take no more often than alternate days.
Feeling much better latterly, and completely off (for the time being) Oral Steroids.
Thank you Matman for the helpful information. Live in NYC so use to walking everywhere...need to eat more protein... and weight bearing activity. Can't wait to get off Prednisone.