My husband and I are trying to figure out what to do now that wildfire smoke brings asthma attacks for me. He has two more years until he retires and we can move near the ocean, where the air tends to be cleaner.
Two years of suffering in the summers is hard to contemplate. I suspect that might worsen my asthma or introduce other breathing issues. We're doing what we can to keep smoke out of our house, and I wear a mask outside. However, it's not the same as having good air to breathe.
An option we're considering is to buy land where we want to move and build a small cabin where I can shelter in bad-air times. We don't know yet if we can swing that financially, and we'd have to live apart during the work week at times.
I'm curious if anyone else has had to move due to your asthma. If so, I'd love to know your story.