Hi, I have a week with a very sore throat and pain swallowing, tickling cough,no taste to food , salt , burning throat when eating certain foods ... GP gave me penicillin on Monday because my ears were hurting (virus+bacterial infection)as well, but I cannot see significant improvement..I cannot be patient any more on the “wait and see” strategy .. any remedies and advices would really appreciate...thank you !
Any remedy for sore throats?I’m despe... - Asthma Community ...
Any remedy for sore throats?I’m desperate !

Gargling soluble paracetamol and a throat antiseptic spray or tyrosets?
Try gargling diluted tcp. Tastes gross but it works for me. x
If you’re still having problems, see your dr. There is a lot of tonsillitis about. I am on a 10 day course of penicillin at the moment.
If it’s an infection then this probably won’t help but when I wake up with a sore throat (daily as I use my voice a lot) I gargle with Apple cider vinegar and unprocessed salt (like Himalayan sea salt) and I find that helps a lot
I always turn to honey when I've got a sore throat. It often stops it becoming worse, but if you've got an infection I think it would be safer to go back to your GP
Is it reflux?
Have you tried difflam spray? It’s the only thing that helps me! Although currently suffering but that’s my asthma symptoms (even tho it feels like a sore throat!) hope you feel better soon 😊
Yes , is the only one that helps me when o go to sleep at least , but his effect last very little.Today I made an appointment as I wake up with wheezing and funny chest sounds and pressure and short of breath, even if I’m on penicillin 500 mg...for the 6th day ..they might need to change antibiotic...is has been like this every single time , without any exception...
I hope they figure it out! It’s horrible, I know. I had similar last week and ended up in hospital because the antibiotics and steroids just weren’t enough to get me back under control! Rest up and keep cool!
This is what I’m afraid of ...as it happened before ...and every single time I ‘m struggling to explain to the GP that some antibiotics won’t work with me ...in the best scenario the symptoms won’t get worse...until I finish the course ..but every single time Gp wants to try ...on my body , on my digestive system which suffers because of so many antibiotics ...this is the point when from worries get angry and frustrated...
Yes, I completely get that! It’s hard to not get frustrated when you can feel that your not getting better, especially when they dismiss you saying you haven’t left it long enough! At least you have options, as I’m allergic to penicillin, I am very limited.
Are you on Pred for your asthma too? Or just antibiotics? I find that my sore throat is asthma related rather than infection related.
I went this evening to GP ..he changed my antibiotic with Clarithromycin 500 -twice a day -7 days + prednisolone (8tablets-5mg)-5 days..he said I was wheezing quite bad and I did very well that I made today the appointment and not later .i usually don’t take Prednisolone ...only when I have chest infection.I’m on Relvar -preventer and Montelucast daily . On 3rd August I have appointment to the Guy’s hospital London for my asthma review as I had in the same place 6 months ago allergies test and Ct scan for the lungs but never find out the results..you just can’t contact them ...so hopefully I’ll have some answers...
Fingers crossed for you! I’m the same, only have Pred when asthma flares up because of infection or allergies! Good luck at Guys, I’m battling with my GP to be referred to a respiratory clinic about my asthma after the latest flair up!
Hope you feel better soon 😊