Asthma suddenly took a turn for the worst last night. Not sure *why* as I was doing so well. Nearest I can figure, our area is extremely dry and there has been a lot of wind around here lately. During Mom's visit (for a whole week!), we went to places near the ocean and/or with lots of green (both of which are severely lacking around here) and didn't have any trouble until the last day. If it is the dryness, I should start to feel better tomorrow as the clouds are rolling in and rain is predicted for later this week. I think we will be getting ready to go into the rainy season soon, too. OR it could be that I had been getting up to do yoga and walk the dog the last couple of days. I did put on a mask when I noticed anything even slightly chilly, though...
I just hate it when I get bad so suddenly. I think I also need to rethink what my personal best for peak flow is. Doctor said 560, but I have noticed that I can get to 590 at least 40-50% of the time, and almost every time if I am good. So maybe 590 should be my personal best... is there some kind of qualification for what a personal best peak flow is? I always feel awful at anything below 550 anyway...