Hi, over the last two + years I have requested a repeat prescription for my preventers seebri and fostair next inhaler 2 puffs twice a day, plus some other tablets I have to take. All of these were prescribed by my consultant as I have brittle asthma and it has never been a problem before. I wait until I am on my last weeks worth and then pop my repeat in electronically. However I have just checked to see if my prescriptions are ready for collection tomorrow only to find out that my request has been rejected. This means I will need to try and get an appointment which most likely will not be until the end of the week. Do you think not taking my inhalers will trigger another attack, I have only enough to take Monday morning. I was hospitalised seven times last year. Any advice as to what I can do?
Repeat prescription refused - Asthma Community ...
Repeat prescription refused

Contact 111 or your out-of hours gp service today. Explain, with urgency. You can’t afford to wait from the sound of it. If you can get into see a gp on Monday morning, then OK, but it does not sounds as if you can wait in any way.
I don't know why you have been refused but I agree with wheezy cat on ring 111.

I sometimes get mine refused when a medication review is due. I ring up.my GP surgery and they get me a phone appt with the GP who is usually happy to.do the review by phone and then prescribe. Recently they refused my Ventolin prescription as it was 2 weeks after the last one. They were right to but once I spoke to the GP (who knew nothing about ny asthma and the background before) and explained she was ok to prescribe more without seeing me. She sent it over electronically as usual.
I recommend callng your surgery first thing and asking for a phone appt. If they won't, thrn yes try 111, or my pharmacy will sometimes give me a short emergency supply so you can try that.
Let us know how you get on. I didn’t say before, but here, with our gp service, you ring 111 at weekends. The gp on duty hangs out in the local hospital.
When did you last have a review with your nurse? It might be that you’re due a check up. I was told that, if you don’t go to your check up, they won’t issue until they’ve seen you. Hope this helps.
No one has the right to withhold medication they should give you enough to tide you over until you can get an appointment with your GP or asthma nurse at surgery. You tell receptionist it is dangerous to do this and you will be given medication and an appointment I'm sure. Has happened to me several times, some pharmacy's will loan you some until your repeat prescription is ready. Surely no one wants you poorly. Prevention is always better. Hope you sorted quickly.😊
Hi, I called the surgery and the receptionist didn’t know why it had been refused. I had my last review in January this year, so it’s not because of that. I was very firm, which is a first for me, and they are going to get the doctor to issue my repeat prescription and I will be able to pick it up tonight, they will contact me if there are any problems. Thank you all so much for you advice xx
I had the same problem once last year. The receptionist didn't know why it had been refused but sorted it out quickly. I insisted she found out what the issue had been as I didn't want to keep having it refused if there was a problem I didn't know about. Turns out the dr had just made a mistake and he was extremely apologetic. Sounds like what happened to you, but it does make you panic, we get very attached to our drugs! 😂
So glad it got sorted! It sounded worrying.
I was really worried, I just want to thank you all for your advice, you are all so helpful and reassuring xx
Well done you!!. So pleased you got sorted. Stay well 😊
I would call Practice and if no joy 111. It might just be the “automatic” review the GP system brings up and they can override it.