...wish it make up its mind and let spring and warmer temperatures appear.
I was *just* starting to get closer to normal than I have been since January when I had a viral infection (and A&E visit) and the past 2 days...tight chest, throat is supersensitive again so is threatening to choke and cough at anything and nothing. (Seriously...I can simply move my head down or to the side and bam! Choking and coughing and spluttering).
Tried to get an apt with my NP but she isn't on duty and they didn't know when she would be as they didn't have next week's rota. (Really!! Why leave it that late?).
And with my throat being so annoying, my voice is vanishing again. The idea of singing is a long way away. My speaking voice is non existent.
Sorry for the grouchiness. Just feeling as though I've taken 10 steps back in recovery.